Paul Shuteyev

State of Agency Industry 2019 - Build your growth strategy based on 50+ insights & 15+ tips

The data collected among 100+ agency owners gave us insights on the shift in the industry. We presented it in a 70-page report through various metrics and expert tips. Enjoy!

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Paul Shuteyev
Hey everybody at Product Hunt! We are excited to present the report on the challenges and opportunities marketing agencies are facing in 2019. We collected the data from 100+ agency owners and designed it in a 70-page report. We focused on the idea of peer mentoring and asked agency owners and business experts to share their expertise. To help agencies find their place on the market, we created profiles of agencies at different maturity level. So here’s what you get once you’ve downloaded the report: 50+ charts with various metrics from the revenue & services to work-life balance; 15+ insights and comments by top agency industry experts; 10 parameters to compare yourself with industry averages. We’re always here to offer additional details and answer any questions you may have. Let’s make the industry thrive through fruitful discussions and exchanges of experience ! Enjoy :)
Jovan Blood
As an agency employee I'm so excited about this report :)
Paul Shuteyev
@rzcwfl1 thanks for your kind words
Paul Shuteyev
@rzcwfl1 @inonaomi true! thanks!
Dmytro Pylypenko
Thanks for the useful information and huge work!
Paul Shuteyev
@dimpiax always welcome! it was a great experience and a lot of data to process.
Troy Köhler
Such a great job! Agency business niche lacks useful content and researches
Olya Poliakova
@boboshkok always happy to provide with the data!
Anthony Barrett
Thanks for such insights
Paul Shuteyev
@helpiqd make sure to compare your agency in the end of the report, there are a lot of parameters to use
Daniil Kopilevych
Nice! That's the first report on how agencies are doing that I found really insightful. Great job 👏
Paul Shuteyev
@daniil_kopilevych Thanks a lot, that was our goal bro!
Olya Poliakova
@daniil_kopilevych So happy to hear that! Thank you!
Daria Ivanova
@daniil_kopilevych thank you Daniil. we really appreciate you checked it out!
Ing Binney
I've recently started my own agency with just a few clients, so this report is a true treasure for me, thank you very much
Paul Shuteyev
@foretpagan So glad to hear that! Hope you will boost your agency with these insights :)
Daria Ivanova
@foretpagan happy you found it helpful!
Georgo Bendelow
Wow, you guys have a lot of charts and data there, thanks a lot!
Paul Shuteyev
@noelbertrand2 thanks for your support!
Sergei Danilov
Such a great and detailed report, well done :)
Paul Shuteyev
@mrsergei much appreciated!
Nicolasa Brunini
I would like to see the next report where you interview 1000 agencies at least, this will be huuuge
Paul Shuteyev
@zeuortgtjb4 oh, we are aiming to create a bigger one for sure!
Daria Ivanova
@zeuortgtjb4 our next goal 💪
Hasan Taravella
rich report, thanks!
Olya Poliakova
@hyunnb it's a pleasure to hear it helps!
Paul Shuteyev
@hyunnb thanks Hasan!
Dylan Hey
Great work on such a detailed report!
Paul Shuteyev
@dylan_hey Thanks Dylan, it means a lot, especially from an agency owner like you
Daria Ivanova
@dylan_hey your help was incredible! thanks for your input for the report!
Olya Poliakova
@dylan_hey thank you! It couldn't be that cool without your contribution!
Jessica Davis
70 pages of wow!
Paul Shuteyev
@tatariac next time we will roll out even a bigger one!
Korbin Bordis
Nice, how long did it take you to create such report?
Paul Shuteyev
@ixwskhooqkq one and a half month at least...