Make yourself publicly accountable by showing your progress toward an important goal directly on your profile picture! Simply add a fraction (e.g. 21/100) anywhere in your Twitter name and your profile ring will automatically update.
@oisin_moran Love the concept of self accountability and showing progress in public! There can't be any better motivation. I can already imagine so many 'building in public' profiles using this soon 🤩
Inspired by a "do 100 to improve" movement started by visakanv on Twitter, with people recording their progress in their usernames, I thought it would be great if you could directly see this progress in a much more tangible way. I thought this could even help people achieve more of their goals!
Since setting this up, people have used it to track their progress for all kinds of things: creating YouTube videos, running, writing songs, practicing yoga, making podcasts, and there is even one person tracking their number of nice days! Several people have mentioned that it has actually helped them get more done, which is super cool! There are so many possibilities, why not try it out?
Before making this I had previously messed around with the Twitter API to make a tweet that quote tweets itself (Google "quinetweet"), and had made a live Twitter banner for myself that tracks the number of people in space (7 right now), so combining that with standard progress rings (like on the Apple Watch) this idea naturally came about.
It uses Firebase for data storage and authentication, and the actual site is hosted on Github pages. Let me know if you have any questions!
I've been using Profile Peacock for the past few months to track my running goals. It's surprisingly effective at encouraging you. It even pushed me to run over 40km in one weekend just to meet my goal.
The notion of being prolific as a prerequisite to success it pretty old, but there is no better summary than this thread:
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