Samet Ozkale

Producter - Product management tool for customer-centric SaaS startups

Producter is a product management software designed for customer-centric product teams 🚀 Over 2000+ product people use it to get feedback, manage tasks, create docs, and share a roadmap 🌍 Make hard product decisions easy with Producter's all-in-one solution ✨

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Samet Ozkale
Hello Hunters 😻 I'm Samet, Co-founder of Producter — a product management software for customer-centric product teams. Before Producter, @mervecankizcoruh and I worked as Product Managers/Designers at a B2B SaaS startup. We were trying so hard to find a balance between our product vision and customer needs. That's why we quit our full-time jobs and started Producter together 🚀 Today, we're so excited to launch Producter for the first time on Product Hunt ⚡️ Your thoughts and feedback mean a lot to us. Thank you! How can you become customer-centric and win your customers' hearts with Producter? 💬 Feedback Management Collect product feedback from your customers and teammates. 🖍️ Issue Management Manage your tasks/epics, and run effective sprints with your team. 📄 Product Documentation Keep your product-related docs where you make the most critical decisions. 🎙️ Public Feedback Board Give your users a place to submit their feedback on your user portal. 📣 Changelog Share your product updates on your user portal. 🛣️ Public Roadmap Keep your users and stakeholders up-to-date with your public roadmap.
Ali İlhami ÖZTAN
@mervecankizcoruh @sairaneibade amazing product Samet! Happy to be amongst the first users. Congrats on the launch 🤟
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@sairaneibade Very excited for the launch, thanks everyone showing love and supporting us today! 🥂
M. Seçkin Bedük
Congrats! @sairaneibade @mervecankizcoruh , Producter is a great application to manage your product journey and we are really pleased to be a Producter member. Best wishes for your journey
Gail Dawson
@mervecankizcoruh @sairaneibade, neat product, well done! 👏
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@sairaneibade @seckinbeduk Thanks a lot Seckin. Pleasure to work with you!🙌🏻
Çağlar Dursun
Congratulations! 🎉🎊
Doğukan Özdemir
@caglar Thank you very much!
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@caglar Thank you, Çağlar!
Ferhan Gül
@caglar Hey Çağlar, thank you for your support! We do appreciate it! 🎉
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@caglar Thanks Çağlar 🎉
Batuhan Kerim Türk
Congratulations 🎉
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@batuhankerimtr Thank you Batuhan! Appreciate it a lot ✨
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@batuhankerimtr Thank you, Batuhan!
Ferhan Gül
@batuhankerimtr Thanks for your support Batuhan! 🚀
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@batuhankerimtr Thanks a lot! 🎉
Nick Russell
Congratulations on the launch! 🚀
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@n_russell Thank you, Nick!
Nick Russell
Am curious how you guys are competing with the likes of Productboard, Prodpad, Craft and Glidr?
Ferhan Gül
@n_russell Glad to hear that you like it! Thank you.
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@n_russell Hey Nick, that's a question we love answering! Compared to our competitors we focus more on scaling customer centricity by removing the customer communication burden. So you can automate the email notifications going to you customers on Producter so you don't need to do these 1:1 follow-ups as a product manager. It helps you focus on the most valuable part: which is the product vision and strategy.
Nick Russell
@mervecankizcoruh Interesting, thanks for this! Which types of customer comms do you automate?
Ezgi Aydın
Congrats on the launch!
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@ezgi_aydin Thanks for your support Ezgi 🚀
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@ezgi_aydin Thanks Ezgi!
Batuhan Cebi
@ezgi_aydin Thanks a ton! 😻
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@ezgi_aydin Appreciate your support, Ezgi!
Silus Reddy
Interesting tool. Congratulations on the launch
Ferhan Gül
@silus151 Thanks for your support Silus! 🚀
Batuhan Cebi
@silus151 Appreciate your support, Silus!
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@silus151 Thank you Silus for the support!
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@silus151 Hey Silus, thank you for your support! We do appreciate it! 🎉
Gizem Yağmur Kavurucu
Congratulations 🏆
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@gyagmurk Thank you very much!
Batuhan Cebi
@gyagmurk Thanks for your support Gizem! 🚀
Ferhan Gül
@gyagmurk Thank you, Gizem!
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@gyagmurk Yagmur thank you! Your support means a lot 😻
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@gyagmurk Thank you Gizem.
Gizem Nur Keskin
Congrats on the launch!!
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@gizemnurkeskin Thanks a ton! 😻
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@gizemnurkeskin Thanks a lot Gizem. It means a lot! 🚀
Batuhan Cebi
@gizemnurkeskin Glad to hear that you like it! Thank you.
Batuhan Baki
Congratulations! 🎉🎊
Ferhan Gül
@batuhanbaki Hey Batuhan, thank you for your support! We do appreciate it! 🎉
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@batuhanbaki Thank you, Batuhan!
Batuhan Cebi
@batuhanbaki Thanks for your support Batuhan! 🚀
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@batuhanbaki Thanks Batuhan!
Armash Ansari
Nice features, Congrats on the launch✌
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@armash_ansari Appreciate your support, Armash!
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@armash_ansari Thanks for support us Armash 🚀
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@armash_ansari Thank you Armash! Glad to feel your support!
Tunahan Özer
Congratulations! 🎉🎊
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@tunahanozer Thank you Tunahan!
Ferhan Gül
@tunahanozer Appreciate your support, Tunahan!
Batuhan Cebi
@tunahanozer Thanks a ton abi! 😻
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@tunahanozer Glad to hear that you like it! Thank you.
Shushant Lakhyani
This looks interesting! Congratulations on the launch!
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@shushant_lakhyani Thanks a ton! 😻
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@shushant_lakhyani That’s very kind of you 🚀
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@shushant_lakhyani Happy to hear you find it interesting. Thank you Shushant! 🎈
Onur Ergür
Go Producter Go 🚀
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@onurergr Thank you for your support Onur!
Ferhan Gül
@onurergr Thanks a ton! 😻
Batuhan Cebi
@onurergr Thank you, Onur!
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@onurergr Thanks a million 🚀
Furkan Bayram
Congrats on the launch 🚀 @sairaneibade well deserved.
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@furkan2606 Hey Furkan, thank you for your support! We do appreciate it! 🎉
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@furkan2606 Thanks a lot! 🎈
Ferhan Gül
@furkan2606 Appreciate your support, @furkan2606 !
Ebusian Benjamin
Congratulations @sairaneibade
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@ebusian_benjamin Thanks for your support Ebusian 🚀
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@ebusian_benjamin Thanks a lot Ebusian, it made us very happy to feel your support! 😻
Ferhan Gül
@ebusian_benjamin Glad to hear that you like it! Thank you.
Mert Can Elkaya
Amazing team with an amazing vision. Congrats on your PH launch.
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@mertcanelkaya Hello Mert, thanks a lot for the kind words!
Ferhan Gül
@mertcanelkaya Hello Mert Can, thanks a lot for the kind words!
Doğukan Özdemir
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@dogukan_ozdemir ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
Batuhan Cebi
Mutlu Sakar
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@mutlusakar Thanks for your support!
Batuhan Cebi
@mutlusakar Thank you for your interest! You made our day 🎈
Ferhan Gül
@mutlusakar Thank you, Mutlusakar!
Arda Bayram
Congrats on the launch! I have been using Producter for a while now, and I am pretty much impressed with the experience I had. I would recommend to anyone running a fast-paced business with small to mid-sized teams to get a demo on Producter!
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@arda_bayram Hello Arda, thanks a lot for the kind words!
Ferhan Gül
@arda_bayram Thank you for your interest! You made our day 🎈
Batuhan Cebi
@arda_bayram Hey Arda, thank you for your support! We do appreciate it! 🎉
Osman Erdi Balcıoğlu
Big congrats to the whole team for this new launch 🎉 which is a real game changer 🚀
Rıfat Tüfekçi
@nicetr Appreciate your support, Osman Erdi!
Muhammet Ali Tiryaki
@nicetr Thanks for the support, Osman🚀
Ferhan Gül
@nicetr Thanks, Osman!
Merve Cankiz Coruh
@nicetr Thanks a tone Erdi! Happy to see your support! 🚀
Batuhan Cebi
@nicetr Thanks a ton Erdi! 😻