App Pages - Curated directory of the best app pages
App Pages is a collection of the best web pages dedicated to mobile apps. It's a source of inspiration for startups building such a website. Clarity and strong identity are our main selection criteria. Curated by Mozza - Mobile Growth Agency.
Product Pages
The Brand Grader
If you're looking for inspiration and want to make sure you're finding it in the right place pages is great. Super cool to have a focus on apps now. Nice work!
Pros:Awesome inspirational content from experts
For those building landing pages or trying to get a feel for how to communicate to customers, this is awesome - as a side note, it'd be great to search for products by genre (e.g. "Saas", "Retail", etc.)
Pros:🚀 Great examples used
🚀 Love the the curation by section of the site ("Pricing", "App" etc.)
🚀 Great range of genres
Cons:💭 Would love to see a paragraph description of *why* the sites were listed.
💭 Signing in/ bookmarking websites for future reference.
Next Step for Trello
Ethereum Syllabus
Would love to see a category for educational platforms!
Pros:Amazing Designs in lots of categories
Cons:Missing one or two categories I'm specifically looking for.
I love by @tchret and this new category is no exception. It's my go-to for inspiration. Plus the guys from really are experts
Pros:Great source of inspiration, very well curated
Cons:Not really a con, but I wish they would curate signup flows and dashboard pages too ;)
Looking forward to the next series
Pros:Nicely done, great inspiration!
Cons:Having even more pages would be great
Find it
Awesome selection of content.
Pros:Great curation. Besides the content is presented in a clear and clean way 👌🏼
Cons:Not a con per se, but would love to see a new category on onboarding flow.
tell us more
Cons:doesn't explain anything