Marcella Chamorro

Process - The power of accountability with Allen & Cathryn, creators of SELF Journal - Bringing a best-selling Kickstarter campaign to life

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Marcella Chamorro
Cathryn Lavery and Allen Brouwer are the duo behind the Kickstarter success the SELF Journal, a powerful yet simple daily planner to help you structure your day, enjoy life, and reach your goals quicker than you thought possible. The duo behind this project asked for $15,000 to make the SELF Journal happen … and received $322,695. During our conversation, we cover: - How they found each other online and became co-founders - Why they chose to create a physical journal, no technology included - The life-changing benefits of morning rituals - What it's really like to bring a best-selling Kickstarter campaign to life - The challenge and opportunities they're facing now - How they collaborate living in 2 different states - Beating Resistance when it creeps up on you - The balance between quantity versus quality My favorite moment is when Allen shared the truth and hardest part of being an entrepreneur: "Being an entrepreneur, there's no one looking over your shoulder or giving you deadlines to get things done. It's yourself at the end of the day pushing yourself forward."