The best handpicked curated prioritization practices on a single page. Save yourself a hundred hours on reading dozens of articles—everything you need to know is on our short sticky notes. No verbalism, only real value for you to grow and increase team efficiency. Each note is an independent block of knowledge. Use it as a memo and share it with your team. You can read the whole article by the link to dive deeper. The topics are sorted in alphabetical order. We will update and expand our collection continuously. Subscribe to be the first to get the new notes.
a prioritezation method is a great way to speak the same language with your team.
thanks for compiling so many methods in one place!
curious to know the meaning of "Ducalis' as a word?
@valeryfenskaya so glad to hear you find our collection useful! 🙌
'Ducalis' means 'of a leader.' Ducalis is a tool for collaborative prioritization that leads teams to shared understanding and helps not to lose focus. Try it for your team, it's free!😊
This is awesome. You literally couldn't have had a better title lol.
1 question - Can I still scratch tasks off like I can in person?? 🤪 That's the best part! lol
79 PLG ideas + Prioritization Framework
79 PLG ideas + Prioritization Framework
Dashly The decision making toolkit
79 PLG ideas + Prioritization Framework
CEO Short List