PRIMO is an app that allows you to buy things worldwide by scanning a PRIMO Tag or clicking a PRIMO Link in Instagram/Facebook. PRIMO Tags can be embedded in a print or digital picture, video, or on an actual product.
Merchants can now monetize their advertising by allowing their customers buy directly through that ad.
Imagine buying an iPhone 7 through a commercial with 1 tap. Or shopping at IKEA and avoiding all the lines.
The app is the POS, making the world a store.
PRIMO origin story: I watched a Michael Jackson documentary in 2003, and he was shopping by pointing his finger at products, and his people handled the rest in the background. I thought 'someday I want to make something that allows everyone to shop like that'
@renato_shira Thanks Renato! We feel ecommerce is very well optimized for the PC era but there hasn't been anything for built from the ground up for the smartphone era.
@abasa Italy. I'm asking that to you from a merchant perspective. We have the majority of our customers in Italy, Europe and US. I'd like to know when you'll have a good customer base in that countries to evaluate the adoption of PRIMO in our e-commerces. Thank you.
@abasa@johnnyquachy Also merchants need users to buy stuff :) paying nothing to open a new potential sales channel is more than justifiable. What's your plan for on boarding new users?
@ykguler@johnnyquachy That's right. That's why we made it free to start and run. So far merchants have been extremely receptive. At the moment, we are onboarding merchants that have a large advertising budget, and user base. We are utilizing them to gain users.
@gregjwww Our system works with 1 click and the phone checks your movement to make sure you're human. It's actually 2 steps but the user only notices 1 step.
@abasa Clever, is this a valid way to avoid patent infringement? Primo's a great idea and I wouldn't want to see it squashed by Amazon's lawyers, I presume you've consulted legal advice on whether your app doesn't infringe their patent, right?
Primo is attempting to solve every Instagram influencer's biggest challenge--the link ban. Primo's codes make purchasing a product a single-click decision. Cha-ching!
@liquidchickenqq It takes about 10 minutes. Just give us your company or personal information, and banking information so we can pay you. No special skills needed. I just uploaded a tutorial.
I can easily see the usecase in print or web, but how are you planning to get the industry to print those codes on a visible part of their products? Won't it interfere with their design? I would guess they'd not be so forthcoming with that?
@mediavrog With apparel perhaps, but you could always hide the tags under the end of the sleeve etc. With bottled water or milk or items like that, a PRIMO Tag could be put on the back of the product etc
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