Personalized editorial for your company's social media.
Kevin William David
RefR โ€” Curated content for social media that generate leads.
Sam Cholera
Well @aymittal, this looks super cool. Why did I miss this? This could be just want I need. Love the intro vid', do you mind me asking who produced that? Do you integrate only with Buffer? Or Hootsuite as well? (thinking of moving to Buffer anyway, after the issues with Hootsuite anyway) I'm going right now to take a better look around and hopefully sign up using code: PHKITTY Really like this product, best of luck with it Ayush!
Ayush Mittal
hey @sam_cholera, thanks for your kind words. I put together the intro vid. This is what bootstrapping did - turned a marketer into designer, graphics guy, developer and everything required in the need of the hour. Yes, currently we're scheduling everything via Buffer. It just works. Please have a look around and give us a shout for anything strange or good you find. And we'll make sure you like it from our end. PS: PHKITTY is ๐Ÿ”› ๐Ÿš€โšก๏ธ
Ayush Mittal
Hello everyone, Iโ€™ve always wanted to be here and super excited to finally be with RefR. ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ As a part of my job, I did a lot of content curation for different startups. Itโ€™s the app (idea) I wish to exist then. I realised how sharing curated content became a requisite (owing to the effort required in creating new content and other obvious benefits of sharing curated content). At RefR, we curate quality content for small business marketers and startup founders, so you can focus on design, development and business. How do we do it? We bring in absolutely-human approach to curate content keeping in mind the target market for the business in hand. The curated content is strategically transformed into social media posts with engaging titles and personalised on-brand images as sometimes images make better text. The posts are scheduled via Buffer. Thereโ€™s more - following the temptation of increasing the productivity of social media posts, weโ€™ve added a tool to increase both brand awareness and lead prospects by embedding a branded call-to-action (LeadBox) to the curated content we share for our users. We place it strategically according to oneโ€™s buyerโ€™s journey to catch their attention and letting the CTA work in so many different ways like driving targeted traffic to the website, email opt-ins, and much more. We're still at a very early stage and you might encounter a few bumps in our app, especially that it's entirely made by a non-programmer without code. But not to worry, we are just a step away via live chat or email. You can also click "Feedback" on your left to drop us a quick line. Can't wait to hear what you all think! And for the interested ones, we've got 20% off for the first six months as a gratitude to the PH Community. Code - "PHKITTY" ๐Ÿ˜ธ ๐Ÿ˜ธ ๐Ÿ˜ธ Thank you so much for hunting us @kwdinc
Igor Ozherelyev
Awesome stuff! That's exactly what I'm looking for)) Hope it works as described)) By the way, Guys, the order of your slides is reversed
Ayush Mittal
@oiv Hey Igor - Yes, it works exactly as described ๐Ÿค“ and probably soon we'll get an opportunity to curate some awesome content for you. What slides? ๐Ÿค”
Igor Ozherelyev
@aymittal Thanks, I'll try it) About slides - screens of your product upper this page. If U start from 1st and go to next one - you will see that the 1st one is โ„–6 page and so on... )
Ayush Mittal
@oiv hey just checked - the order seems to be fine at my end. If possible can you take a screenshot for me and forward it to ayush@boombro.co Thanks for your help.
Gregg Housh
I've been a customer since nearly the beginning. This product is awesome. The reporting and analytics emails I get are a huge help. The team behind it are responsive and really easy to work with. Just a great product every way it could be. I use it to generate leads for a very specific project, I actually replaced Quuu for the social media posts on that twitter account. Not because I dislike Quuu, but because the lead boxes are just that next step up.
Ayush Mittal
@gregghoush Hey Gregg. Thanks for your encouragement. Means a lot coming from you! I really appreciate your constant feedback and helping us to improve RefR since Day 1. I want you to know how much I value your support.
John Schenk
@aymittal Nice product. Hard to bootstrap that price, but likely well worth it for startups that have some cash flow.
Ayush Mittal
Hi John. Thanks for your interest. Re price, I'd say it's the other way around as I've learned from the founders who joined us. The founders who are curating the content for their social media - far too many of them are either doing this themselves or hiring a graduate/freelancer. In both cases, I see RefR being economical as the eager beaver founders' time is crucial and best spent on building the business, while the remuneration to freelancers/graduates is expected to be higher. Our curation requires a lot of human effort and it is personalised for each and every user. We take into account not just the relevance but readability and thrill while transforming the curated content to social media post. It does take a quite an effort to accomplish the whole thing. PLUS I feel if someone is curating quality content - the effort should be attributed. Even 10 impressions or a single click of LeadBox which takes the reader (relevant target market) to your website is better than no click. ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜Š [Edit] Would love to know your take @johnschenk
John Woo
Wow, I just signed up. Looks very promising. (So far, 14 days trial though) I'm constantly worried about what content to post for this week, but I hope you might help us!
Ayush Mittal
@junwoo thanks for signing up. We'll start sending curated content to your dashboard soon.
Ram Rayavarapu
I can see great use cases. Congratulations @aymittal
Ayush Mittal
@ram_rayavarapu thanks much Ram. Means a lot ๐Ÿ˜‡