Anton Baranenko

Portfoleon Timeline - Plot your projects on a timeline for free

A very simple tool to make a nice-looking structured timeline from a template.
- Free and no email required, click to start using.
- Copy and paste from Excel / Google sheets.
- Custom fields.
- Make lanes, add info on cards, color-code, and print.

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Anton Baranenko
As a product manager I needed to put together a quick timeline so many times. I tried different tools out there, but nothing seemed to fit, so I decided to make my own! There are a few things that I wanted to have in this tool: 1. As simple as possible. The whole tool is just one screen where everything happens. 2. Spreadsheet part is optimized for fast data entry: paste from Excel / Google Sheets, copy-paste within the sheet, drag-to-fill etc. 3. No registration, email collection, ads, or other form of monetization. Free is free. 4. The data never leaves your PC. No server-side => no security concerns => you can use it in any organization with any sort of security policies in place. I hope you enjoy it!
Corentin Mors
Cool tool! Really like the fact that is easy to use and it works for most needs. Few feedback for you: - action buttons are mixed in the top bar, some are to change the view, some to print / load template, it's kinda confusing - would be nice to have more export formats, such as images to be able to have this in a PPT presentation - i'd like to be able to have multiple projects with this!
Anton Baranenko
@mikescops thanks Corentin, all useful feedback! I am thinking on more export formats, e.g. a PDF or a PPT slide. Would it be too bold to ask you for an advice on the buttons UI? Make it a drop-down menu?
Corentin Mors
@anton_baranenko2 yes probably something very generic just like other tools, "File", "View", "Export", "Help" as dropdown buttons.
Craig Ziegler
Love this :) Everybody needs to read this.
Anton Baranenko
@craigziegler thank you Craig!