
Pop Culture Live - Free trivia show you can play on your phone

A free pop culture trivia gameshow you play on your phone.

Real prizes, real fun and a real live Jonas brother.

Kevin Jonas hosts this 12-question pop culture trivia gameshow every weekday at 4 pm EDT.

Earn Gems to buy power-ups like Extra Lives orTake Away to help you along.

Answer all 12 questions correctly to win, or split the cash prize.

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Ryan Hoover
Love how the HQ format is expanding to nearly every vertical. Perhaps we should create an “HQ for tech culture”. 🤔 @kevinjonas you’re recording these every weekday!? That’s a huge commitment. Are you planning to have guest hosts fill in down the road?
kevin jonas
@rrhoover big commitment for sure but really rewarding. Definitely going to have guest hosts and a bunch of people you will know!

This is a ton of fun! Trivia hosted by Kevin Jonas!! Free download from the app store! Pop Culture Trivia is a Gameshow that gives its users options to invite friends for rewards as well as compete live to win cash money! Love the idea! So much fun! You also have ability to use gems to buy a life or wrong gone which both are available to use once per game. This game is not only fun because of the trivia but it also has free cash for getting questions correct what are you waiting for? Get to downloading it today!


Fun, live, win cash, trivia, watch ads for gems


Its only on the weekdays

Orley Sanker
Just found out about this game looks like so much fun. But it says that the website expired. Does this game not run a more?