So am I right in thinking that you own/have access to LOADS of startup stickers? And you didn't know what else to do with them haha
Why do you think startup stickers seem to be such a thing?
They're like Pokemon cards of the now.
cc @zachlatta@maxwofford
@bentossell Yeah! Great question. So we designed to use a crowdsourcing model to get stickers for distribution (i.e. it's a ponzi scheme).
We use stickers that people mail us to fulfill sticker requests. When it begins to implode, we're planning on fulfilling the debt with our stickers and perhaps stickers donated from companies. Any future letter we receive we'll just send back to their return address.
@chrisbarrett@bentossell We're limiting it to two stickers returned per envelope to (somewhat) rate limit it, but you're welcome to send us multiple envelopes :-).
Hopefully people send you more than one at a time or else this party will be over soon. How many stickers do you have to start out with? Or are you sending one of your own company and one random in every package??? I love ponzies
@vacord We have a few thousand Hack Club ( stickers, but we're hoping to sustain this with stickers we receive in the mail for as long as possible!
Hack Club Legacy
Hack Club Legacy
Hack Club Legacy
My Octocat by Github
Hack Club Legacy
Hack Club Legacy