
Ponicode CLI - Achieve high code quality with AI unit test generation


Faster software development, more robust code & high code coverage directly from your command line are now possible thanks to AI. Generate unit tests in bulk for your TS, JS & Python projects with the most relevant test scenarios. Keep bugs under control πŸŽ‰

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Excited to share my friend @patricksclouds's latest initiative from Ponicocde. This new CLI tool makes it easy to generate unit tests from your command line, for Python, JavaScript and TypeScript. Check it out and show Ponicode some love!
Patrick Joubert
@davidjnels thanks David for your support! Amazing days to come with high code quality and great apps thanks to our innovation!
Hamza Sayah
Hello Product Hunt community! I'm very happy to introduce you today to our Ponicode CLI tool. This tool was born out of various discussions with developers and software professionals who expressed their pain in managing legacy code. As they say, an antipattern often found in codebases is that the code is strongly coupled to the team that wrote it. Unfortunately, often that team is bound to change. And when the codebase is not well tested, the task of making it evolve, and even maintaining it, is very hard. Thus, Ponicode CLI would allow, in one command line, to generate unit tests for most functions and classes in JavaScript, TypeScript, Python (alpha) and Java (alpha). This product is a solution to the problem described above and is bound to evolve a lot in the coming months, whether in terms of supported languages, tested units or quality and robustness of generated tests. We therefore need usage and feedback. Hamza from Ponicode
Amine Kakouche
Great product fueled by great people !
Jasmine Anteunis
Congrats to the team !
Claire Luchetta
@jasmineanteunis Thank you Jasmine πŸ˜‡
Patrick Joubert
@jasmineanteunis Thanks! Happy to have your support :)
Alexandre Savigny
Accelerated software development is the only way forward to face the app boom. Happy to be part of the wave of AI innovation trying to solve this. This new solution is the sum of research & development, feedback collection and a bit of marketing work at the Ponicode office ;) I hope Ponicode CLI will become your best coding partner and I am looking forward to your feedback.
Pascale Vicat-Blanc
Bravo Team ! CLI is Ponicode at our fingertips!
Claire Luchetta
@pascalevb Thanks a lot Pascale πŸ™πŸ˜Š
Alexia Charbonnier
Awesome !! :D
Claire Luchetta
@alexia_charbonnier2 Thank you Alexia, your support means a lot πŸ˜‡
RaphaΓ«l Thobie
Great product !!!! So much time saved !!! Thanks team !!!
Claire Luchetta
@raph Thanks for your great message Raphaël! 😊
Julien Blancher
Mourad Temmar
A Great product ! Good job
Moritz Koal
Awesome. IMO it is a great solution to handle legacy code. You generate tests, refactor it and then throw all tests away (because they have no meaning, the just freeze the current behaviour - no matter if right or wrong). How is the code coverage ?
Hamza Sayah
@koalmori Hello Moritz! Thank you very much for your feedback! Indeed, writing tests everywhere can have the unfortunate tendency to lock a codebase whose architecture is not stable enough. However, our goal is not to generate tests to throw away once the refactoring is done. This is why the question of which units to test is also raised by Ponicode. We have a technology that detects where to test, and we intend to cross-reference it with CLI. You can find it here: https://www.ponicode.com/squar-s..., and even try it and tell us what you think. Like all our other products, we evolve it often and are very eager for feedback and opinions like yours. We look forward to discussing it with you!
Moritz Koal
@hamza_sayah Hi Hamza ! My main concern with auto generated unittests is they have no "useful" description aka semantic. If they fail you just see "Oh test 1 does not like 0" but you do not know if there is some higher meaning behind this. BUT.. after I saw your video on https://www.ponicode.com/developers it becomes much more clear for me. I think your product really speeds up / improves writing unittests. Congratulations ;)! I suppose you are free to add your test reasons in the test files after the generation (or is this a bad idea because they will be overwritten easily ?). Do you also plan extensions for other IDEs like Webstorm, Pycharm, etc ?
Hamza Sayah
@koalmori Yes, you can change the test descriptions as you like, even via the VS Code extension interface as explained here: https://ponicode.github.io/#/ut_... For other editors, we are working hard on it because it is on our roadmap! :-)
Moritz Koal
@hamza_sayah Yeah, sounds great ;) ! If you - someday - support Webstorm or Pycharm and you search for external beta users, feel free to contact me via twitter. Have a nice day && good luck with the further development !
Solomon Bush
Really cool product! Excited to use this. I can't stand writing unit tests, especially with complex JS components.
Claire Luchetta
@solomon_bush Glad you like it Solomon 😊 Helping you in your daily coding journey is our goal πŸ¦„
Charlene GK
This looks great! The hardest part about writing unit tests for me is always to get started! πŸ˜…
Hamza Sayah
@charlene187 Thank you! Haha, that's for sure! :D It's a sport!
PE Lieb
Great job Ponicode team and congratulations for the launch πŸš€ CLI definitely bridges gap between better code quality and multiple dev environments
Hamza Sayah
@pedward_lieb Thank you PE! :-) Ponicode takes a bit of a step out of the IDE!
Claire Luchetta
@pedward_lieb Thanks PE for the support ☺️
Love the idea. AI driven testing is a cool thought for code coverage. Hope it just makes our overall tech debt lower
Nicolas Jacques
Before Ponicode, testing was a nightmare for a technical team. Was ;)
Florian Buguet
Congrats on the launch folks! Great team and product. Happy to see you launched on Product Hunt =)
Omer Biran
Congrats folks!! good luck in product hunt and more importantly good luck in making the world a better place. For developers to begin with :P
Claire Luchetta
@omer_biran1 Thanks a lot Omer, sure will do πŸ’ͺ
Benedetta Dal Canton
Hello Product Hunt lovers, One of the makers here! Unit Tests have been our focus for a while now, and we are all so proud of being able to bring forward new solutions that make it easier and easier to achieve a healthy code base. Even more - it’s great to be able to reach a wider and wider community with each product launch. Some of you might know that back when we started Ponicode, the horizon was JavaScript. Today, we are able to generate unit tests in TypeScript, Python, and soon we will be able to add Java and many more other languages to the list. For all these reasons, the launch of Ponicode CLI is a true milestone for us. But enough about the launch…. I believe Product Hunt is also a time to celebrate our achievements over the 2 years we have spent together, as a team - a growing team! We are all in this together and it is incredible to see where we are now. Since the beginning of Ponicode, one question has been in our minds: how can we leverage AI to allow software developers’ to save time and focus on creativity and problem solving? Since we have first asked ourselves this, we have reached several milestones. We have found an angle and cracked the technology to do it We have managed to raise 3M € which allowed us to launch our first public beta We have developed new solutions to fit industry-level expectations Thank you to everyone who made that possible, first of all our teamπŸ˜‰ but even more importantly, our friends, our investors and our users who help us get closer to our goal everyday! (Oh, and don’t forget that we have a special Ponicode competition today! Free unicorn goodies to the top 5 people who will generate the most unit tests through Ponicode CLI! )
Quentin β€œπ‘Έβ€ Durantay
Awesome product, can't wait to test it on a real-life project!
Hamza Sayah
@quentindty Thanks Quentin! I will be very curious and happy to read your feedback!