Chris Yin

Do - Do helps people run productive meetings.


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Jason Shah
Founder here. We are really excited to finally launch Do today. I've been thinking about work, meetings, and productivity since before my time at Yammer, and Do is the product we're building to help people love work. Happy to discuss; looking forward to some insightful PH feedback! - Jason
James Pember
Looks beautiful, that's for sure. Which end of the market are you guys tackling?
Jason Shah
@jamesepember Thanks! We think Do can be useful to anyone with inefficient meetings, but we have started with a focus on medium - large organizations, which often have lots of inefficient meetings ;) That being said, to our surprise, lots of startups and small businesses have started using Do.
James Pember
@jasonyogeshshah Cool! . I'm going to run tomorrow's meetings using it. On first glance, I love the Google Apps integration (fetched my meetings perfectly) and the Evernote export is a great little touch. The only thing missing from "our workflow" is the ability to create follow on tasks. One little piece of feedback, when I scroll up or down on the dashboard, you should show a "Today" button that brings you back to today's position. That was a bit annoying. Kudos on a great job so far.
Bianca L. St.Louis
@jasonyogeshshah So far i'm definitely a fan. Long list of questions/feedback 1 - Any plans to have shared notes (basically similar feature to the private notes but public) and not attached to a particular agenda item. 2 - I really appreciate the attendee meeting check in but i'm not understanding the status piece could you share your intended use case. 3 - Really appreciate the morning e-mails with meeting info. One thing that I particularly like that meeting hero does is include how many hours of my day that i'm in meetings or have blocked off. This is useful to me because I often block a buffer on my calendar While I understand sharing my free time that information was not useful (to me personally). 4 - Another thought I had was getting reminders to prepare earlier than the morning of for meetings that may last longer than an hour. 5 - Integration with asana would be awesome. I think the best value add would be being able to have information that would be able to be easily categorized/organized in asana. 6 - Any plans to collect feedback on meetings from participants. 7 - In many of my meetings in addition to notes and information I usually send over surveys, forms to fill out or general follow up information. Any plans to have a template that I can add/save to help facilitate communication follow ups. 8 - Ability to send reminders to meeting participants would be nice Overall I really like the site so far!
Jason Shah
@belaurie - Thoughtful feedback, Bianca. Thank you! 1 - Any plans to have shared notes (basically similar feature to the private notes but public) and not attached to a particular agenda item. Yep! We realize not every meeting fits a rigid agenda/note structure and are exploring how to solve for this without getting distracted from our core use case. 2 - I really appreciate the attendee meeting check in but i'm not understanding the status piece could you share your intended use case. Status shows you whether someone is also using Do. The point is to know who you can collaborate with + see when people stop paying attention in a meeting and aren’t using Do anymore. There’s a balance here between “Big Brother” and promoting efficiency and focus. 3 - Really appreciate the morning e-mails with meeting info... Gotcha. We find that showing people how many meetings and how much free time they have helps them be mindful. It’s super basic data that somehow has been overlooked for a while. We think this is more broadly true of lots of things in your calendar. Hint. Hint. 4 - Another thought I had was getting reminders to prepare earlier... Totally. Pre-meeting prep email reminders have a lot of potential. Maybe before day of. We show upcoming meetings past today in the daily email for this purpose. Imagine if you could prompt others to prepare, too. Lots of potential directions here. 5 - Integration with asana would be awesome. I think the best value add would be being able to have information that would be able to be easily categorized/organized in asana. On the way. And Trello, Basecamp, and others. :) 6 - Any plans to collect feedback on meetings from participants. Absolutely. It’s core to improvement. We’re debating how to implement. On one hand, there’s data for improving (i.e. showing you the % of meetings you have that start late). On the other, there’s qualitative input from others to help you better. Important complements to one another. 7 - In many of my meetings in addition to notes and information I usually send over surveys, forms to fill out or general follow up information. Any plans to have a template that I can add/save to help facilitate communication follow ups. Yep - building templates. And export/import between meetings. 8 - Ability to send reminders to meeting participants would be nice Cool. Which sort of reminders exactly? We have in the pipeline meeting confirmations (before the meeting), auto-reminders to do things after a meeting, and lots more in this space. We want to structure and automate a lot of otherwise menial work people do - in meetings and otherwise ;) Keep the feedback coming! The response to Do thus far has been overwhelmingly and refreshingly supportive. Thanks everyone.
Johnny Quach
Seems to only sync with Gcal? I love products that focusing on improving meetings but I have to say I wish more people built similar products that work with Exchange. I'm not a startup currently but I encounter the exact problems most people in the tech work force do. I just wish people would innovate on Exchange (excel for that matter). Wish I could try this out one day.
Jason Shah
@johnnyquachy We're building an Exchange (Office 365, actually) integration :) As you can imagine, we picked one platform to get started and validate Do and then the plan is to expand from there, especially since Exchange has such a dominant footprint. Bad meetings probably also happen all the time at places that use Exchange ;) You can leave us your email here - - if you want (no spam!) and we'll notify you as soon as the Office 365 integration launches.
Johnny Quach
@jasonyogeshshah "Bad meetings probably also happen all the time at places that use Exchange ;) " damn right they do. lol
.....just a round of applause here for the 2-letter domain name... *golf clap*. Bravo for that.
Jason Shah
@ChuckReynolds ha, thanks Chuck!
Jason Shah
Great feedback! And let me know how tomorrow's meetings go ;) RE: follow on can mark items as 'Followups' and they will be visually separated from all other notes (in Do and when exported). We are exploring surfacing all followups to you in one simple place, and also considering integrations with major project management and task management applications. Fundamentally, we don't want to be task management, but we realize meetings inevitably connect to followups. RE: getting back to today...a little subtle, but if you click on today's date in the top right, it'll magically scroll you back to today! That being said, we can make that clearer to people :) Thanks for the thoughts, James!
James Pember
@jasonyogeshshah Ah! Missed the today scroll, thanks. Agree that you don't want to move into task mgmt, but yep - in order to really create seamless workflow, some form of integration/export will be necessary I think!
Jason Shah
@jamesepember Yep - that's exactly right!
Josh Goldstein
Congrats @jasonyogehshah. Looks awesome! One quick design question: how did you come to the decision to show the dashboard like an (infinite) line down the center? Feels very different than most structured business apps that (potentially) revolve around a calendar.
Jason Shah
@Josh_Goldstein Thanks! Great question. Fundamentally, the primary goal of the dashboard is to make it extremely easy to understand your day and get to any meeting - be it via scroll, search, or the date-picker. This is something we all know jam-packed calendars struggle to do well. We don't intend to be a calendar app, but you need a good way to access meetings. The short answer is we found the timeline to be the most clear, flexible design that allowed for a lot of emphasis on each meeting. Most calendars make you squint or click for this information; Do is different. You'll notice each one has participants, location, etc. available on hover, and soon we'll add the agenda, followups, ability to confirm a meeting, and more right from that top-level. The timeline was a unique but familiar and flexible design for a platform focused on meetings.
Alex Schiff
Congrats Jason! Looked at your PH profile and noticed you're user #33 - me and you are the Product Hunt OG :) As for product feedback, I took a spin through and it was really well-executed. The only thing that weirded me out was being able to scroll up from the starting point on the home page, especially since it was all from before when I signed up. Is your goal for people to think of as the visualization of their day as well as where they run their meeting (i.e., use it as a de facto calendar all day), or is your goal to have them open Do when they have a meeting? I wish I could provide more feedback as a user, but we try to avoid meetings :) I'm also curious about the origin of Do — is this a spin-out of Salesforce's, or were they in any way involved in the formation of the company besides the investment and domain name? If it's publicly available, I'd love to hear more about that story.
Jason Shah
@alexschiff Thanks! @SnoopDogg is probably the true Product Hunt OG ;) We didn't build Do as a de facto calendar, but we are realizing this is in fact how some people are using it. So, more calendar support is on the way (better event creation, editing, deleting - be it autocomplete for participants during the create flow or being able to intuitively click on the timeline to add an event). The primary goal for the timeline though is easy access to meetings. As for the origin, the involvement has mostly been the investment, domain name, and strategic support (vague, I know). More to come on this! PS - Your post (on @andrewchen's blog) on private vs. public in the same product spurred a debate for us. Within Do, you can take private notes adjacent to the realtime, collaborative notes, so your experience was really helpful.
Alex Schiff
@jasonyogeshshah hey that's awesome! I'm glad that got a discussion going. We should grab coffee or something next time I'm in SF — I'd love to exchange lessons learned. I love this stuff :)
Jack Smith
looks great. Inefficient meetings is a massive problem.
Jason Shah
@_jacksmith Thanks, Jack! Let me know if you have any feedback.
Nikhil Kalghatgi
this product is awesome and is flexible for me to manage mtngs! nice work @jasonyogeshshah
Jason Shah
@nikhilkal Thanks, Nikhil! Really appreciate it.
Kevin Davis
I suspect a lot of people have a place they store notes (Evernote, Fetchnotes :) etc) and tasks (Asana, Workflowy, etc etc). Have you guys thought about integrating with some of these other tools?
Jason Shah
@kgdavis Absolutely. We cannot be "just one more thing" in the productivity space. We want to reduce work fragmentation, not increase it. Note applications weren't built to run good meetings. Nor were project management tools. But people were hacking them for this purpose until we came along. We view this the same way people hacked spreadsheets for CRM until Dynamics / Salesforce came along. So we help you run a productive meeting, but integrate with the best standalone apps for notes, files, tasks, you name it. We released our Evernote integration 2 days ago. Now, you can use Do to run a productive meeting and seamlessly export the public group notes AND your private notes back to your personal / business Evernote. After all, your other notes do live in Evernote, right? We heard of folks hacking IFTTT/Google Cal/Google Docs/Evernote to achieve this before - crazy! We will be integrating with other note applications soon. Similarly, we don't want to be a task management app. However, meetings inevitably have followups (if you're lucky!). So, we needed to do lightweight followups. But our hope is to also integrate with Asana, Trello, Workflowy, Basecamp, etc. for the same vision as above: reduce work fragmentation, not increase it. Imagine marking a followup in Do and it instantly creates a task in Asana because that's where your non meeting tasks live, and now you want to do some intense project management (deadlines, etc.). That's better in some custom project management app. This expands to a lot of categories (e.g. in your case, enterprise social networks, and exporting to Yammer and creating a post out of it for people to Like, etc.). But there's some long term strategy here about what to own and what to integrate with, of course, because we're not just trying to be a tiny meeting productivity tool. We want to help people love work, and that's much bigger than just meeting productivity. What do you think of that approach? It's an important strategy decision probably facing lots of products / companies.
Kevin Davis
@jasonyogeshshah Great answer - a lot of products try to be the one stop for everything and it's good to see you guys have the perspective (maturity?) to recognize that people won't drop everything to use exclusively
Jason Shah
@kgdavis Yeah, we like our friends :)
I have to say WOW: you own That is just awesome. Looking great and congratulations with the launch!
Jason Shah
@thisisjorik Ha - thanks, Jorik! A fun domain indeed. A must say I enjoy how easy it is to log into stuff on mobile these days (with But someone should still really fix mobile login =/
JP Patil
The thing I am getting most out of Do is the earlier morning reminder that these are the meetings I have today and what is going to be covered in them. Its a good prep for ok, what do I have to do today and when are the free times in the day when I can do actual non-meeting work. Refresh is good in that its about know who the people you are meeting with but it doesnt give me the context of the meeting.
Jason Shah
@jpatil Thanks! Glad you're getting daily value from the email. People love this email from some reason. The morning email with your upcoming meetings is especially interesting from a product perspective... 1) How has someone not done this before? It's been tried but not well adopted, I suppose. 2) Pushing this content to someone's inbox vs. making them pull it from their calendar seems to make a big difference. 3) We're trying to promote mindfulness about other meetings by showing you recent ones and ones after today, but balancing the right amount of content with various goals for email is hard. Thanks again!
Eric Wilson
Similar to MeetingHero in many ways. Glad to see another company tackling inefficient meetings. Would love to see task integration. There are of course a bajillion task management apps out there that might be smart to integrate with as well. The Evernote integration was a nice touch!
Jason Shah
@ecwilson Cool - yeah we're working on a number of fun integrations! Any other feedback would be great. Thanks, Eric!
Do they have an API in beta?
Jason Shah
@acondurache We don't have an API yet. But stay tuned :) We do view ourselves connecting all workflow, so one can imagine how an API would work. But I'm would you envision the Do API working?
Jason Shah
Hey friends - we just announced the Do iPhone and iPad apps - here's the Product Hunt thread: and App Store link:
Jason Shah
Oh and last week we announced our seed round + Microsoft partnership (a deep integration with Microsoft Office 365) - woot!