
Yearly Planner by PomoPlanner - Plan your year and define long-term goals.

A good way to plan your long term goals for the year by creating timelines! Organize and plan your year visually. Get a feel of your long term projects.

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Hey Hunters πŸ‘‹! This year I'll be building 10 products/businesses in public and this is project #3! Last year I built and launched PomoPlanner.app a pomodoro-based daily planner and it was a great success πŸŽ‰! Based on the feedback I got, this year I wanted to focus on the planning of longer term goals. As I said, I'm planning on building 10 products/businesses, some of them smaller and others of a larger scale. To accomplish this challenge, good planning is important and I couldn't find a handy tool to have a clear view this upcoming year. My first instinct was to simply use Google Calendar and make a separate calendar for my long term vision. The issue is that Google Calendar doesn't show any event in the Year view which was disappointment! I then realised that it would be a great addon to PomoPlanner.app which focuses heavily on the day-to-day planning. This yearly planner is very simple and straight to the point. You can add timelines to the calendar and color code them. You can label the timelines and voilΓ ! You get a beautiful view of your year! There's also a section down where you can define your main goals for the year, it helps making them a priority during the planning. I hope this will be useful to you as it greatly helped me organize my year and plan my challenge! I'm open to feedback to improve the tool. If you want to follow my build-in-public challenge, follow me on twitter @ybouane, I post daily updates.
Yaroslava Antipina πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
@ybouane congrats on the launch! I'll try Yearly Planner. I like to have long-term strategy. Definitely, it should be corrected from time to time but the point is of having a vision. Good luck today on PH!
@yaroslava exactly! The goal is not to have a perfect plan, but rather a long term vision!
Tea Cindric
Congrats on your launch. It looks helpful.
Gvantsa Gurgenidze
I have been looking for a planner for a really long time! This is really cool!
Rom Dagoy
a virtual planner,exactly what i needed.thanks for this!
@rom_dagoy I’m glad to hear that it’s useful for you!
Emanuela Emanuela
Very handy Good job!
Vicky Wealther
Looks cool and awesome. Very smooth creativity. All the best.
ID Blazevic
Gonna try this for sure.
@dora_blazevic Let me know your thoughts!
Jasper Labrado
This is really amazing! Been looking for planner apps but this one, sheesssssh. Congrats! πŸ’―
@jasper_labrado I’m happy to see that you find it useful!
Shemilore Jegede
Knowing your goals have a specific timeline is a great motivation. I'm keying into this!
@shemilore Planning is key to achieving your goals!
Lwanga Allan
It's parfect
Precious Kelechi
Good idea! A yearly planner gives you the time and motivation needed for the whole year
Tvisha raji
Been looking for one!!! Congrats on your launch!
Michael Elias Obatay
Cool planner that I need! Congrats on your launch!
Danilo Nikcevic
It’s easier to follow your aims when you have them written. Excellent idea and planner.
Troy (Mitch) Mitchell
Planning is based on forecasts which are mere estimates about future. These estimates may prove to be inexact due to the uncertainty of future. Any change in the anticipated situation may render plans ineffective. Plans do not always reflect real situations in spite of the sophisticated techniques of forecasting because future is unpredictable. Thus, excessive reliance on plans may prove to be fatal.
@mitch_mitchell yes, they’re guidelines and they represent a vision. Inevitably there will be changes especially in the timing. Nevertheless it’s important to define long term goals.
Useful tool for yearly planner. Will try it later
Jacek Siadkowski
Like this approach, especially listing most important goals! For me, the most difficult part is not adding to the list, but getting rid of projects I don't really need. Maybe you could add more features helping in prioritizing what's most important!