Point - Reply to your emails with the speed of a robot
Point helps you quickly write messages. It learns from your writing and provides sentence and email suggestions in real-time.
The best part? Minimal setup required thanks to our AI.
Other benefits? You can quickly teach your teammates how to reply to emails.
Point AI is a wonderful tool that saves me hours on sending emails every week. The setup couldn't be any simplier and the level of customization is simply outstanding. Unlike Gmail's built-in autosuggestions, Point AI gives you suggestions in your own voice. Starting your email responses with "Thank you for reaching out..."? Point AI catches that and smartly suggests this opening whenever suitable. Ending your emails with "All the best,"? Point AI will catch that too. I'm very impressed with the product and I really hope to see it on mobile platforms.
Pros:- Suggestions in your own voice - Very helpful in responding to repeating email - The length and quality of suggestions are superb
Cons:- Unclear if Chrome extensions are available on Gmail for Android, but I would love to see Point AI on mobile
Uses my own previously written email snippets to auto-suggest sentences, phrases, paragraphs. Saves me lots of time writing the same emails yet i'm still writing the email and making it personal
Pros:Saves time writing email, easy to use, easy to set up in 1 minute