Mubashar Iqbal

Maker Podcasts - Makers sharing their journey


Maker Podcasts is a curated collection of podcasts, with a focus on episodes, featuring startup founders as they share their journey building, launching and scaling their businesses.

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Mubashar Iqbal
When I first had the idea for Maker Podcasts I planned to make it a stand alone site, but in the end I built it as a feature of Pod Hunt. There is a new category of podcasters who are sharing their journey of building, launching and scaling their businesses. Each week they publish episodes discussing what they have done. Frank open discussions about the highs and lows of running a business. Maker Podcast provides a list of these podcasts to make them easy to find and share, retaining the Pod Hunt focus on episodes. I wrote a little more about the decision to make Maker Podcasts a feature of Pod Hunt instead of a standalone website: Announcing Maker Podcasts Hope you find the podcasts interesting, if I've missed any podcasts just drop a comment below.
Fajar Siddiq
@mubashariqbal awsome collection, i will submit my rss to itunes first then will submit on this. Haven't had time lately. Anyways congratulations on this launch!
Mubashar Iqbal
@fajarsiddiq 👍Looking forward to it!
Pradip Khakhar
Hey @mubashariqbal Thank you for creating this. Have lined up a number of episodes to listen.
Mubashar Iqbal
@pradipcloud Thanks, glad you like it!
Paul Metcalfe
I like this. This is a good collection to follow and look forward to seeing many more. It's going to be great content marketing for Pod Hunt - very shareable and hopefully Google will give you some love.
Mubashar Iqbal
@paul_metcalfe 🙌Thanks Paul!
Matt Kandler
Thanks for building this! It's amazing how useless it is to search for "startups" or "tech" in the regular Apple Podcasts app. I've been wanting something simple like this for a while - excited to try some of these out.
Mubashar Iqbal
@mattkandler Awesome, let me know if I've missed any great podcasts.
Ed Freyfogle
You should add Rogue Startups: One of my personal favorites
Mubashar Iqbal
@freyfogle1 Yep it's in there already, just haven't published in a couple of weeks to take a bit of finding 😀