PocShapp - Shared shopping app
Make shopping a breeze with our cooperative groceries app!
Stefan Heinsen

PocShapp — Make shopping a breeze with our cooperative groceries app

A shopping list for phones that can be shared easily with an invitation link with others, so e.g. all members of the family use the same list, which is updated in real time (given network access) so no one unnecessarily buys things someone else already got.
Stefan Heinsen
A hobby project of mine to learn firebase, cloud functions and all those fancy web technologies. Also, it is something me and my partner now use regularly. I know there are other tools that handle the same use case, but this is my approach :) What about the name? The first working title was "piece of cake", which should explain, how easy the app is to use, but also is something you might want to buy. I was quite happy to find, that the name was free in the app store, so i stuck to it (this also explains the icon). Then i though, let's also release it to the apple app store and of course the name was taken. Being tired of thinking about names and doing marketing stuff, i came up with PocShapp, a portmanteau of some kind of (p)iece (o)f (c)ake (==Poc) and "shared shopping app" (==Shapp). So, please have a look and let me know what you think. Also, of course, let me know, what you miss and would like to have if you think the app is useful to you. Thank you, Stefan