Armin Ulrich

Social Share Preview - Check social media link previews while you browse


With this browser plugin, you can check how the link previews of a website look like on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Just activate the plugin to see the preview snippets of every page you browse.
Available for Chrome & Firefox.

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Armin Ulrich
Heya Product Hunters! We made this little browser extension for ourselves while creating a while ago. We generate our share images for and other sites automatically and wanted to have a quick way to check how our pages look when shared on social media! The plugin has been available for Chrome first. We now have 400+ users and they seem to like it, so we thought we’d make a Firefox version as well and start telling people about it 😉 It’s free ✨ and shows you link previews for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These are the most important for us, but please tell us if you miss a platform you’d like to check! I hope you’ll like it – if you do please leave a rating in the browser stores 💜 Cheers, Armin
Vincent Denise
Thanks for this tool @arminulrich & @_feloidea. Do you think it will be possible to add a download button or a way to bookmark previews? I collect a lot of open graph previews (especially on Twitter) and your extension will save me a bit of work.
Melanie Massinger
@arminulrich @yesnoornext Glad you like it, Vincent! Nice idea - we didn't think of saving yet. Do you collect the previews for inspiration? We'll see what we can do 💪
Vincent Denise
@arminulrich @_feloidea Yes, for inspiration, I'm a big fan of media illustrations and according to me the open graph previews help to be selective and improve the content. Maybe it could be a premium feature, let me know if you'll do it.
Marie Denis
Nice idea! I was actually checking the previews for the pages of Women Make a few days ago, that would have been useful! Just installed it for next time 👌
Melanie Massinger
@marie_dm_ Thanks Marie! I hope it can save you some time in the future 😊
Shamit Khemka
Really useful tool for businesses and individuals using third party web links as reference.
Melanie Massinger
@shamit_khemka1 Thanks for your feedback, glad you like it!
Pat Walls
I use this every day to make sure my social share images look right on my blog posts! Saves me so much time from having to inspect the page and dig into the head tags! I also use to automate my Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest posts as well.
Jack Maddox
Ha! Wish I had this the other day, would have saved me spamming my friends and myself while trying to see what my social share looked like! Great idea.
Shun Yamada
Helpful!! Thanks for great products @_feloidea @arminulrich
John Datserakis
Oh shoot I've had this installed for a bit now! I actually use it all the time and found it to be really well made. I think it's a great idea. Also it's been really simple to use. I think all developers have to set up their social share images at some point in their building process - this def makes that step easier!