Chris Messina

Virtual Models by Rosebud AI - Faster go to market with AI generated models for photography

Top Hunter

Faster go to market with AI models for photos, created on demand! Use photos for e-commerce, fashion, design assets and more. Don't be caught using the same stock model as your competitors, try Rosebud! 80% discount this month! See comment below for details.

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Lisha Li
Hi Everyone! 👋 I’m Lisha, founder of Rosebud.AI. We began our Product Hunt journey launching 25,000 hi-res AI generated photos. Grateful for the support for this collection of AI models, we’ve since been learning a lot from users from that launch. To celebrate the launch we are offering 80% for subscriptions. Please write to with subject title: "ProductHunt" and register by July 31st to redeem. (Creative tier will be $4 instead of $19.95, and likewise 80% off for silver and gold). Here’re some use cases that have resonated with users: FASTER TIME TO MARKET 🙌 Photoshoots are time consuming and expensive. Virtual models can be delivered faster, sometimes instantly. DON'T USE THE SAME STOCK MODELS AS YOUR COMPETITORS! 🙌 We all know that one stock model that appears on multiple competitive products. Rosebud’s face synthesis can change the model face, hair…etc to uniquely market a product. INCLUSIVE MODEL IMAGERY 🙌 If only brands with large budgets can make ads, you are going to get a limited set of beauty standards. If you reduce costs to experimentation and access to creative tools like Rosebud, you introduce more diverse imagery. We made sure to synthesize a wide range of imagery, including diverse and gender non binary to suit any brand. CAMPAIGN QUALITY PHOTOS 🙌 Photos are hi-res, good enough for professional campaigns. 🚀 This launch is the release of our self serve webapp that makes available some of the tools we built to serve these value props. We are also planning to expose our facial expression, hair style and color editing capabilities. 😱 We leave some dramatic synthesis abilities out of the app to prevent malicious use. Customers who are interested in these and also in full body model synthesis for fashion photography and video can contact us for our white glove service (https://generativephotos.typefor...). We would love to hear from you below about what other features would be great to add to this webapp! 🤩 FAQ and Ethics. 🧞‍♀️ What about unrealistic beauty standards? Our self serve app is a creative tool. If only brands with large budgets can make visual ads, we are going to get a limited set of beauty standards. If we reduce costs to experimentation with creative tools like Rosebud, we introduce more diverse imagery. We made sure to synthesize a wide range of model imagery. 🏅 What's the difference between "creative", "silver", "gold" and "enterprise" tiers of subscription. Creative tier is the starter tier and it gives you several AI models to choose from in our AI models feature (including both genders and nonbinary models). Silver includes all the models in creative tier and a little more. And so on with Gold tier. The AI models in Creative, Silver and Gold tiers do not alter the skin tone of the underlying image. To get more dramatic synthesis (skin tone, hair, expressions, pose changes), you need to join our enterprise white glove beta. We purposely restrict it to prevent malicious use. The app will give examples of AI models in our enterprise tier without doing the full synthesis on your photo.
Jessica Li
This is awesome, Lisha! What are the next steps in your product roadmap? Super excited to see where this goes!
Lisha Li
@jessica_li3 Thanks Jessica! We're excited to release more specific products to serve fashion industries (automated fashion product photography with customizable models). We're also excited to introduce more video synthesis capabilities, especially around animating our models to speak.
Sunit Shah
Very cool Lisha. Sounds like this launch is translating your enterprise product into a self-service web app? Any differences in functionality between the two?
Lisha Li
@sunit_shah Thanks Sunit! Indeed! The enterprise service offers more customization (no predetermined set of models, we'll work with you to make an exclusive one) and therefore also creates dramatic changes because we can change lighting, skin tone, hair and other features. To keep it simple for the user in self serve, the changes are more subtle. But some of the enterprise capabilities can be seen if the user clicks on the "enterprise tier" button and scroll through the left panel of face variants.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Find what @lisha_li1 is doing with Rosebud fascinating. Of course I worry about the business of future human models, but I also think, in a post-COVID world, there's a real need for this kind of creative tech, which Disney (and others) is also investing in.
Lisha Li
@chrismessina Thanks Chris! We're excited to building more synthetic media tools for creatives! The tech helps brands and creatives realize visuals fasters and therefore tell their brand stories more easily.
Mendy Yang
This is awesome! What are some different use cases that you're targeting? Seems like it's especially relevant both for COVID and for increasing the diversity of models!
Lisha Li
@firelioness Hi Mendy! Customers we've worked with come from a range of markets, including fashion and even fortune 100 companies who need to generate variations on their models to target different demographics. Covid has definitely brought new demand for brands to create imagery without new photoshoots. Interestingly we've also partnered with creatives and photographers directly to amplify the assets they currently have by changing the identities of the models (hair, expression, pose, face) so they can programmatically generate new assets. We shipped the self serve app can help creators do this more easily.
Abigail Wen
Love it! Lisha is on the cutting edge of so many amazing things!
Андрей Гурьянов
As a photographer, I have big base for my own and most useful tools - swap faces and download full resolution of files, Have you any tutorial or it's tool under construction?
Lisha Li
@rivertime We love to help creators like yourself! Here is the link to the app so you can use it now: And a quick tutorial here: and here:
Андрей Гурьянов
@lisha_li1 i'm already see this video - faseswap panel doesn't described and don't work at this moment
Lisha Li
@rivertime The faceswap panel is the older version of our AI models panel (it is lower resolution). "AI models" panel changes faces. Did you already try using that? What kind of changes to the face are you interested in making?
Андрей Гурьянов
@lisha_li1 i just want to place face from one my picture to other. For example one pretty girl can't doing split, but I'm already have another model with perfect body and yoga masterpiece.
Lisha Li
@rivertime That's a good use case for this. Can you ping us at info@rosebudai [dot] com so we can walk you through how to do it with the picture you are working with?
Misko Dzamba
@lisha_li1 this is really cool! I'm using the online demo to explore what kinds of adjustments are possible, its pretty amazing what you have already!, what additional options are available in the enterprise tier? What adjustments are possible in the near future or in development? I would love to use this going forward, amazing work to you and your team!!!
Lisha Li
@misko_dzamba We're stoked you tried the online demo! We left some of the dramatic adjustments for enterprise only (for instance full body synthesis, skin tone changes and dramatic face synthesis changes). From earlier feedback we wanted to make sure users were indeed using it for creative or marketing so as to prevent misuse. We're planning to release more specific products around fashion models (automatically generating images of clothing photography on model) as well as video synthesis of these models speaking (customer service).
Melissa Du
Wow, this is such a powerful product! Are you able to do video modeling as well, or is it just photos for now?
Lisha Li
@coffeestacker Thanks Melissa! We're working on it! Here's teaser of the video product with one of our virtual models:
Renee Shah
These photos look amazing! I like that these aren't the "same old" stock photos, and thanks for promoting various types of diversity!
Lisha Li
@renee_shah Really appreciate that Renee! We aim to make Rosebud's self serve app more accessible to a wide range of brands, not just ones that have a large marketing budget. This should reduce the costs of experimentation and thus make it easier for smaller brands to create imagery that speaks to their audience.
Hershel Mehta
This is awesome tech! When do you think the product will be ready for India and Indian features? I can see this really popping with Jio Mart and new e-commerce channels coming to India in the near future...
Lisha Li
@hershelmehta I'd be thrilled to create India specific features. We can create country specific versions. Would love to learn more!
Xuhui Shao
Big fan of the deep learning tech! As rising star brands embrace social commerce (insta/verishop etc), what do you think are the additional use cases for these brands in the social commerce context?
Lisha Li
@xshao_techvc Great question Xuhui! I think creators can invite their audience to participate in the design of visuals. Since the app works on demand Rosebud provides brands and influencers ways for their audience to express their visual preferences. Would love to hear other suggestions!
Summer YL
Hi Lisha, very proud of you and congrats on the launch. Question for you - how can makeup and beauty brands use this tech product to showcase their products for marketing campaigns? Thanks!
Lisha Li
@summer_yl Thanks Summer! I think makeup specifically will benefit from different complexions that are representative of how swatches can look on them.
As with many AI type things, I feel like this is really treading that fine line between being really cool and slightly terrifying 😛. In seriousness though, this is super impressive work!
Lisha Li
@harrison_codes Thanks for the support Harrison!
Alex Bouaziz
Congrats on the launch!!!
Lisha Li
@bouazizalex Thanks Alex!
Cary Lin
@lisha_li1 This is such a godsend for shooting during COVID, also allows brands who cant afford multiple models but want to embrace diversity actually achieve their goals. You mentioned adding video, what’s the timeline for that for non-enterprise users?
Lisha Li
@caryylin Thanks Cary! Video sneak peak here: We can actually already do talking personas. So customers can reach out through our typeform above to schedule a demo! Typeform pasted here: https://generativephotos.typefor...
Lisha, i'm blown away by your product. It looks amazing!
Lisha Li
@naman_kamra Thank you Naman! Would love to learn more about your use case to see how we can make it even better!
Lisha Li
@damjanski thanks for the support!
Camilla Guo
Huh... I don't think you can say it's inclusive just by ingesting existing model images with your tech, considering that the images you scraped are probably a pretty explicitly un-diverse dataset. Might want to rethink specifically marketing yourselves as "inclusive and non binary" just because it sounds good.
Lisha Li
@cmilla_vnilla You should play with it yourself before judging.
Camilla Guo
@lisha_li1 Good suggestion, but I am not interested in wasting my time and yours signing up for a demo, and would think there is a more straightforward answer about how you are gathering diversity in your models. I'm specifically pointing out the contrast between your copy/branding and actual images used in your video marketing. While you say there are non-binary models, I checked out your site and found it hard to discover one. No plus size either. Was not trying to hurt your feelings ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just a question I ask around any human-centered AI, especially one that may set beauty standards.
Lisha Li
@cmilla_vnilla Don’t worry, you didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. I was suggesting if you are a customer interested in creating these images that you should try our app to see how we have already worked with with folks to create non binary models. We are always updating our landing page and appreciate any suggestions to represent those customer needs.
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