Roger Dickey

Pitchbot - Chat with Pitchbot to perfect your VC pitch in 10 minutes.


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Roger Dickey
To our friends on Product Hunt, For many founders, raising money from investors is one of the most difficult and frustrating parts of starting up. When investors pass on a startup they usually aren’t direct about their reasons because they fear alienating a founder who may go on to be successful. That means the information founders most want is the most difficult for them to get. To help solve this problem, we’ve created a fun and useful tool to help founders hone their pitch. Please meet Pitchbot. When you chat with Pitchbot it’ll tell you what you’re doing well and highlight areas where your pitch needs work. You’ll get notes on what angels and VCs are looking for, why they care about those things, and how to polish your pitch. To create the questions we spoke to and researched 23 of tech’s highest performing investors including Chris Sacca, Sam Altman, Sequoia, Jason Calacanis, and more. We also drew on our own experiences as founders who’ve raised money in the past. Pitch your startup to Pitchbot and see if you get an offer—or a pass. Use Pitchbot (not investor meetings) to iron out the kinks in your pitch and improve your chances of getting funded. We’re excited to see any feedback or questions. If you find this useful then please share with your friends and colleagues.
Carlo Almendral
@rogerdickey Cool idea and it's pretty engaging! Wish there were responses that were geared towards more enterprise products and the progress bar is a little misleading but really love the transcript/summary/advice at the end!
Kevin Leneway
@rogerdickey This is super cool. Did you code it from scratch or use a bot-creation tool?
Tristan Pollock
@rogerdickey from now on I refer all future founders who want to pitch me to my colleague and friend Sir Chatbot I
Vikrant Ramteke
@rogerdickey I just tried it and it works great. How long did it take you to build this bot? What NLP platform and tech stack are you using?
Gianna Scatchell
Interesting concept. Where's the NDA? I wouldn't want to submit potentially confidential information unless I knew it was protected. How secure is it? Is there a human on the other side? If so, are they in the US or overseas? Also has some exposure points on the bot side ... about making such affirmations.
Jake Fisher
@giannascatchell Seriously? Most investors will refuse to sign an NDA let alone a bot.
Patrick Pistor
@giannascatchell If you company's most valuable asset is your idea and you feel the need to protect it with an NDA, you don't have a company.
Gianna Scatchell
@yogert96 I agree 100%, but you're missing the point. When you submit your idea/personal information into this chatbot or any chatbot for that matter-- you should know: 1) Is the bot encrypted; 2) Deployed on an encrypted channel? 3) What are the rules re: chatbot data handling and storage? 4) who has access to that data? 5) how long is that data stored? 6) what are the rules regarding the data the bot will gather and have these rules been communicated to the user?
Gianna Scatchell
@venturejakef Agreed, but I'm looking at this bot (or any chatbot for that matter) from a data security and privacy lens (e.g. what data is stored? How is that data then used?). What are the rules of engagement when I use "x bot?" #occupationalhazard
Jake Fisher
@giannascatchell this is the reason we have to pay lawyers to draw up B.S privacy policy agreements and make everyone check the I agree box for a fun side project that is given away for free. Do you also get mad if your coffee cup doesn't say caution contents may be hot?
Arjun Tuli
Simply loved it! A great product.
Christian Thurston
@arjun_tuli Stoked to hear you enjoyed it Arjun!
Dainis Kanopa
oh, so great idea! First time used a chatbot
Rory Reiff
Extremely well executed product. Love it!
Alfred R. Baudisch
Really cool, it helped me think about some questions I didn't think of before! Although the result I got has a valuation way lower than we are at right now. Got: "Ok! We love your idea and would like to invest! $810k – 14% STAKE – $6.1M VALUATION"
Christian Thurston
@alfredbaudisch Very happy to hear that. That's exactly what we hope folks we get from this.
Rachel Chalmers
I am a VC and this was still great fun to play with! Recommended to all aspiring pitchers, and even to experienced ones.
Elie Teyssedou
I gave it a try, it was really good. I think that I will use it again when I will really have to raise funds.
Akash Mukherjee
Smartest product I've seen in a while, that left me with a "Wow"
Vlad Arbatov
OK, $840k for 10%, I'll take it! :)
Elise Graham Kennedy
Nice! Where are you guys pulling the valuation numbers? We're pre-revenue but the valuation was $72.4M.
Christian Thurston
@elisegraham Hi Elise, we have a formula that takes the answers you give and then calculates a valuation within a range. It's obviously not an exact science and we had to simplify in some places but for $72.4M that implies that directionally you're doing a lot right! And thanks for the positive feedback from one chat bot solution to another :).
Raising funds right now and the bot just gave us a bunch of useful recommendations. But it did't ask the company and founders locations, for us it is a red flag. Despite the promising product, team, market and metrics - it's almost impossible to get first funds being an outsides.
Jithin Rajiv
its pretty amazing...
Damon Nam
This is great! 👍
Ish Jindal
Hey Roger! This is great. Keeping it open ended makes it a little susceptible to people trying to break it though :P We recently made a pitchbot from a founder's perspective, how one can pitch using a bot -
Neil Jain
The Recommended VCs part is great! Great job with this!
Jake Fisher
This is awesome! This will be a nice way of telling a lot of entrepreneurs to focus on fundamentals when they aren't quite ready for investors.
Alain Ekambi
Nice idea. Great product. Actually got 745K for my idea. :) :) :)
Haktan Suren
One of the most "alive" bot I have ever talked to. Great job! Kudos to the authors!
Vlad Arbatov
Now, export results text exceeds twitter character limit, please check.