Building a career is expensive. Education, training and equipment cost a lot of money! Instead of borrowing, Pipo enables you to raise money from friends, family and your social network in return for shares in your future success.
Neat idea, and I do think will exist in one form or another at some point. Main feedback now: a) should be more clear on the site that it's not actually real people, and b) I'd be concerned about securities laws and complete earnings auditing to make sure investors actually get their proper return (e.g. there's a reason why the SEC and IRS exist :). Interested to see where this product and/or concept in general goes.
Pros:Neat idea, and can serve a real need with proper execution
Cons:Unclear on the site that it's not real people, plus potential securities and auditing issues
Love the concept.. it will be nice to see people actually give back tim returns and how they go about .
Pros:It will be awesome to invest in bunch of people's
Cons:Not sure if the investments be authentically tracked
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