Alex Ast

Pimp my Site - Time to "Pimp your Site"


It's a reality show to "Pimp Web App". Just imagine how it's cool to see the details of software development in the real life. Join to us, share the project and let's see this amazing stuff.

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Alex Ast
Hello, digital universe. Hope some of you know the #realityshow "Pimp my Ride". #aasoftwaresolutions proposes to consider the new version for IT world - "Pimp my Site". We have a team of #professionals who will make from your "old and rusty" web application - the "Pimp version" according to the new #trends. You have a chance to be the first our client and to get the first gold medal. As a bonus, to get fully free "Pimp of you Web". That's the perfect time to "Pimp your Site". Please, share and get in touch with us to get more details #pimpmysite Best Regards, CEO of AA Software Solutions Alex Ast
Alex Ast
We sent request to MTV. Fingers crossed?