Hiten Shah

Pilot - Bookkeeping for startups, powered by humans and software

Pilot is a bookkeeping company that focuses on startups—with a twist. Their bookkeepers are assisted by software that automates the most error-prone pieces, so the books are always incredibly accurate. Kind of like having a cyborg army working for you, only way less scary.

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Waseem Daher
Hi Product Hunt 👋 , My name is Waseem, and I’m the CEO of Pilot. Thanks @hnshah for hunting us! Pilot is a bookkeeping company that specializes in startup companies. We started it to solve a very real pain we had in our previous two startups: maintaining our books. 📚 📈 Your bookkeeper does your books today in the exact same way that they did in 1995 💾. They buy a copy of QuickBooks and do a ton of clicking around/hand-entering to categorize all your transactions, make sure all your balances are correct, etc. It’s pretty crazy that it’s so manual, but it’s true. Luckily, software can do a huge chunk of the heavy lifting. But you don’t want more bookkeeping software—you’d rather not worry about bookkeeping at all. So we started Pilot: a bookkeeping service powered by our expert team of bookkeepers here in San Francisco 🌉, who use a bunch of software we’ve written to automate the most tedious, error-prone parts of the work. Every month, we’ll deliver up-to-date accrual basis books for you, in QuickBooks Online (and yes, we can do catch-up work 🏃 or take over from your existing bookkeeper). We have a one-month free trial on the website—but we’ll give two free months of bookkeeping to the first 100 folks that sign up from Product Hunt. So if your company needs bookkeeping, we’d love to have you check Pilot out. We’d love to get your feedback. We’ll be around all day answering questions, so feel free to comment here or email me directly at waseem@pilot.com
Justin Jackson
@waseem does it work for startups in Canada?
Waseem Daher
@mijustin Hi Justin — we do bookkeeping for US entities only at the moment.
Waseem Daher
🇨🇦 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 I would love to do this for Canada. Realistically it's not going to be any time soon, but I will come back to this thread when that eventually changes.
Greg 'X' Willis
@waseem What's the difference between your product and bench? In just a few points.
Waseem Daher
@greg_x_willis Great question, thanks! Superficially, fairly similar, but with three key differences: * Our books are stored in QuickBooks Online, and you have access, so you're never locked in. If you need to work with another provider or just don't like us anymore, you can hand your data to any bookkeeper in the world, because it's just QuickBooks (vs. being handed an Excel export from a custom accounting system) * All we do is startup company bookkeeping, so we've developed super-deep expertise in it (vs. aiming to solve it for, e.g. the bakery or yoga studio) * We do accrual-basis bookkeeping (vs. only supporting cash-based bookkeeping)—this is a pretty inside-baseball thing, but it matters as the startup gets larger I don't know how much automation Bench has already built, or if it's all just humans under the hood, but one structural advantage of #1 for us is that it means our engineers can spend all their time focusing on automating error-prone work (rather than needing to build out a QuickBooks clone).
Pulkit Agrawal
@greg_x_willis @waseem think this is big -- having to use Bench's software was the main thing that turned me off that, so good decision!
Waseem Daher
@_pulkitagrawal Thanks! We actually had a lot of angst about this in the early days. The trade off is basically: using the industry-standard data store vs. having complete control of the UX. Ultimately, I feel really good about where we landed because we still do have the ability to e.g. build custom dashboard and reports on top, in our own interface, as necessary.
Hiten Shah
Pilot is a bookkeeping company that focuses on servicing startups. Rather than doing the bookkeeping entirely by hand like most service providers, or trying to build software to do 100% of the work, they’ve got a best-of-both-worlds approach: they have a team of bookkeepers that work on your books, and also have a team of engineers that are building tools to help automate large portions of the bookkeeping work. Reminds me a lot of Gusto or Stripe, bringing technology and product sensibilities to a traditionally boring/unsexy space.
Vinayak Ranade
Pilot is going to finally make bookkeeping something that founders don't have to worry about! Looking forward to replacing our CFO stack with Pilot asap. Several of my founder friends already use this and love it. Also the MIT team behind this is insanely smart. They've built mission critical kernel software before, so I'd trust them to build financially secure stuff too.
Sara Mauskopf, CEO of Winnie.com
We’ve been using Pilot at Winnie for a little while now as one of their earliest customers. It’s such a lifesaver. It has saved me from a ton of manual bookkeeping work I was doing using overpriced, clunky software. Now I don’t worry about anything anymore. They literally do everything for me. I get my monthly reports without doing any work so I can just focus on running my company. It’s THE BEST.

We elected to use Pilot at Parabol a couple of months ago. Switching to them has been easy. On-boarding a cinch. And, their non-robotic colleagues were able to suggest some great changes to our chart of accounts. Would recommend!


Fixed recurring pricing, clean books, great service & staff


They are the only AI + Bookkeeping game in town (that I know of), not Cons to note yet!

Nitesh Banta
Bookkeeping is such a pain for startups, and I am thrilled to see a team this strong come together to solve the problem. I have heard nothing but great things about the product from customers. I am excited to see the company continue to grow!
Ivo Parashkevov

In my mind, this is the best option for startup bookkeeping right now. It's already pretty good, and bound to only get better as more of it gets automated. To my pleasant surprise, the (human) team was very responsive in answering questions or addressing concerns as things popped up.


Clean books, high degree of automation to minimize errors, responsive team.


They don't do tax accounting yet - you still have to find another accounting firm for year's end.

Waseem Daher
Hi Ivo :) Thanks for the kind words! Ivo's right—we're a bookkeeping firm, so we don't do the tax returns ourselves. But we can definitely connect you with a tax prep partner we know and trust, and can shepherd the process of working with them to insulate you from a lot of back-and-forth. (Or if you do have a tax preparer you like, no problem, we can work with them too.)
Camille Ricketts
Awesome and much-needed product from one of the most incredible teams imaginable.
Waseem Daher
🙏 Thank you Camille! We love First Round Review here at Pilot :)
Ricky Yean
I like the QuickBooks Online interface that Pilot gave me and their focus purely on making the background process seamless.
Zane Salim
Terrific service and team. We've been users since the beginning and love it. Makes bookkeeping a delight!
Pillow John
Can you tell me what the difference between Pilot and Bench.co?
Waseem Daher
@arecenello Hi Anthony, absolutely, take a look at my answer here: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Ankur Goyal

Pilot is a no-brainer for startups. The founders are extremely empathetic to the fact that you want to spend as little time as possible managing your books. Their staff is extremely on-top of things, smart, resourceful, responsive, etc.

For example, I asked them to accelerate some work in advance of a board meeting, and one of the founders followed up directly on the thread to make sure it would happen. And BTW, immediately after the board meeting the investors asked what bookkeeping service I use so they could recommend it to the rest of their portfolio.

Keep up the good work!


Thorough, responsive, zero hassle, overdeliver on service


None yet

I'm really excited to try this out - the team is stellar, between Waseem, Jeff, and Jess, the product potentially solves a real problem, and I'm excited to augment our workflow with Pilot. <3
Steven Rueter
I was thinking about this yesterday, such a great idea!
Kai Armstrong
What are you defining as a "startup". In @greg_x_willis questions (which was my first thought too) you mentioned "(vs. aiming to solve it for, e.g. the bakery or yoga studio)". So are you defining "startup" as primarily tech based, recurring revenue model business vs. transactional product/service type business?
Waseem Daher
@phikai Today, the reason I say we focus on startups is twofold: 1) We've built deep integrations with the systems that most tech startups are using — things like Stripe, Gusto, Expensify, Abacus, bill.com, SVB, and a bunch of others. 2) We have a lot of in-house expertise about how to properly do the bookkeeping for, e.g. a B2B SaaS company, or a company that sells stuff in the App Store. So when we say "focus on startups," I really mean "focusing on companies that have a shape that's kind of like a tech startup". The exact business model (recurring vs transactional, product vs service) doesn't actually matter to us — but there are benefits for both you and us if we can take advantage of either #1, #2, or both. Some nontraditional examples in our customer base: a few are nonprofits, and one is a makerspace that buys and sells physical objects. Neither of those are "startups" in the sense of a fast-growing tech company that plans on IPOing someday, but their shape is one that allows us to serve them well. Finally, there's the "what we do today" and "what we do eventually" — as the company grows, I would love to be doing the bookkeeping for the bakery or the yoga studio as well, but for the time being, we're staying laser-focused on these "startup-shaped" companies. (But if you have a bakery or yoga studio, I'd still love to talk to you today so we can figure out how to help out down the road!)
Kai Armstrong
@waseem Thanks for the reply! I don't exactly have a bakery or yoga studio, but my wife does have a small business selling on Etsy. I'm not sure if it'd be a valuable market for you to serve or not, because while she makes a reasonable amount of money annually... looking at your pricing, there's no way it could justify an additional expense like that. Either way... feel free to reach out and we can certainly chat about what could be valuable to her or people like her.
Waseem Daher
@phikai Awesome, yep, I'd definitely love to chat with you/her — sounds super-useful. I'll shoot you an email.
Brett Hellman
Congrats Waseem on the announcement. You're solving a huge pain point.
William Woodhead
This looks great. Bookkeeping can be the last thing a startup founder wants to deal with so any gains in this area can be amazing!
Noam “N.G.” Gordon
Oh man this is very much needed, it’s so hard to find a book keeper, thanks for trying to save us!
Kumar Thangudu
How is this differentiated from a Plaid integration companies like: Indinero Bench.co SwayFinance ? Also, the difficult part about outsourcing bookkeeping is that you don't know if the web service properly functions until 2 years out. Rough market space, I wish you the best of luck.
Waseem Daher
@datarade Hi Kumar — my answer re: bench is here: https://www.producthunt.com/post... Regarding inDinero the answer is somewhat similar: while they are focused on tech startups, they do your books in a proprietary system that isn't easy to migrate away from, and they don't do accrual basis by default. (I'd also encourage you to talk to some current inDinero customers first if you're seriously considering inDinero, because I've heard a number of horror stories about the experience.) Regarding Sway: my understanding is that Sway is just a software package. Pilot has humans in the loop, and that's important: when I have questions or when something goes wrong, I'd rather just pick up the phone or email my account manager who knows me and knows my business well, as opposed to having to do a bunch of Googling to make sure that I'm doing the right thing.