Kristofer Guldvarg

Picular - Your photos organized by AI and a gamified experience đŸ•č

Picular is a photo tool for anyone who urges to bring order to their photo collection and find photos by combining metadata filters rather than static albums.

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Kristofer Guldvarg
The service is currently available for iPhones, but we aim to support all major devices and platforms. Extra curious to get feedback from people not satisfied with their current photo situation. What should be our next significant feature to add?
Adam Carballo
@guldvarg I'm confused, I can find any information about how does the service work. It seems like photos are indeed stored in a 3rd party server (not just pulled from the device's storage every time), but there is no mention on storage limits, backups or quality degradation. Are images uploaded and stored in a server? If so, what's the storage limit, quality limit, RAW support?
Kristofer Guldvarg
@engyne Thanks for your question, Adam! The last year we've pivoted from having Picular as a web service into this app, and in this transition, we haven't yet spent any time on the information area you mention. However, you can find two tiny links to our terms and privacy pages in the bottom of the account creation page in the app. With this said, these are the straight-up answers to your questions: Cloud storage Yes, photos are stored in the cloud just as it is for Apple or Google and many others. However, I understand it as you got the impression this was not the case, so I'm curious if so, what might have misled you? We want to stay transparent about our service. We know this is not an option for some users, and that is simply something we need to accept. The benefits of having it in the cloud as we see it is: * Access your photos from anywhere and all your devices. * Share collection with other family members or friends. * Use backend processing power to speed up AI processes etc. * Let the user not have to worry about local device storage limits. * Secure photos from not being lost forever if you for any reason would lose your devices. * It enables us to run backups. Storage limits We have set no limits as of today. Whenever we add support for RAW, we might have to add some mechanism for super heavy users to pay extra for unusual heavy load. But we will do our best to find cold storage solutions that will cover the 'unlimited' claim as far as we can push it. Also, we will need more users and behavior data to know where to draw this line. The most extensive collections in Picular reach above 100k photos today, which is okay and far above the average. Backups We do get backups by automation in the cloud today. However, our ambition is to improve this process by backing up to a 4rth party to secure the system from human mistakes and if one system encounters a significant accident. RAW support Not now, but we aim to add support for RAW later on. Quality degradation We store all photos as non-destructive. In other words, if you do any edits (upcoming feature), you will always be able to revert to your original. I hope this clarifies your concerns, and thanks again for reaching out. Have a great weekend đŸș, Kristofer
Adam Carballo
@guldvarg thanks for the lengthy reply 🙂 I think my confusion comes from the fact that I'm used to seeing pricing ranges with storage space when talking about "cloud storage", but I see that Picular is trying to not display itself as a cloud service first, but rather an organization tool that works with an integrated cloud service, aka you "pay" for the organization service, not necessarily the cloud storage. I'm always careful with services that advertise unlimited storage / lifetime storage, as that is impossible financially, so it's good to see you are aware of it and have plans to limit big spenders when/if necessary. I'll give the service a try, I've been looking for something since Google Photos changed their policy. đŸ»
Kristofer Guldvarg
@engyne I understand what you're saying, and I think we might reconsider since you raise a valid concern. Setting a clear storage limit might be a better option since we want to give a transparent and trustworthy impression. Thanks a lot for your feedback, and I hope to see you around.
Kristofer Guldvarg
@engyne Hi, again Adam! I just wanted to let you know that since we spoke last time, we've been working hard to address some of the concerns you raised, and we just released these tweaks and additions: * A new FAQ section on, where we've started by having your questions answered. * Information around our cloud solution right in the app next to the upload function so that users can feel informed before taking any action. * Changed our 'unlimited' storage to a somewhat fixed value (1 TB), trying to be as transparent as possible. Thanks again for your excellent feedback. Hope to see you around.
Laurence Garnett
The guys at Picular are super helpful. Not often that the developers answer every question, research every glitch, and give a straight up and honest answer. I've been using Picular and it is one of the few apps I have felt worth spending cash on. And I even renewed the subscription this year - not just paying once.
Kristofer Guldvarg
@laurence_garnett Wow, thanks a billion for these kind words and your support! Where can we find more lovely customers like yourself? đŸ˜Šâ€ïž
Joost van der Steen
Hi, app looks great and I’m really looking for an app like this but I really miss essential information explaining me what happens with my pictures. I downloaded the app and before I realised my pictures where uploading to who knows where. And I wasn’t able to stop it. I changed the permissions in my iPhones settings to get it to stop. But now there seems to be now way to delete them from the library (and your server). I looked on the website to get a better view on what this app is and how secure my pictures are saved but couldn’t find any information. I’m sure my pictures are safe and I truly trust you guys but I really advice to inform users better. Let them know what happens when they allow access to there photos and make sure they are able to undo it. And let them (me) know they are safe.
Fille Åström
@joostsvds Hi Joost, and thanks for trying out our app! We hear you and are working on ways to make this clearer. Both on the landing page and in the app. We are truly thankful to get feedback like this so we can improve. Would it be ok for us to contact you when we have updated this to get some further feedback if we managed to make it clear what is going on with the photos that are uploaded ?
Kristofer Guldvarg
@joostsvds Hi, Joost! We've just released some tweaks and additions due to the great feedback you gave us: * A new FAQ section on, with your questions, answered, among others. * There is now information around our cloud solution in the app next to the upload function. * Lastly, it's now possible to delete your account from within the app. Hopefully, earning us a bit of trust and making it less scary to try us out. Thanks again for your valuable feedback. Have a lovely evening! đŸș
Inger Kari Nerheim
Everything I have seen, so far. Great tools for organizing and improving my database of thousands of photos over a long life. Fille and Kristofer have patiently answered every question. Now I am so eager for the app version that I am going out to buy an Ipad, probably with the largest screen possible. Any advice, boys?
Fille Åström
@ingerkari Thanks for the kind words Inger! But I need to mention that Piculars iOS version is not yet adapted for larger screens like iPad. @guldvarg has just started with the large screen designs, so hopefully it wont be too long. The app is runnable on an iPad, but it will be as a smaller iPhone-size in the middle. Not optimal. My guess is that the Desktop version will be released before iPad as it includes the possibility to upload photos from the computer (which is useful), but hopefully shortly after we will release it on iPad.
Inger Kari Nerheim
Groans and grumble! I thought I had a super idea. Well, I went ahead and bought a Pro. I will just have to wait.. use the not optimal alternative and settle for that. Whoever can utilize Picular's full potential on a tiny phonescreen? Question: if not uploading from the computer, where do the pics come from? surely not the iphone camera? They are good, but SLRs do exist.. I do most of my photos in RAW+, for the improbable situation where the photo in a million can be enlarged and enjoyed on my wall. The absolute amateur. Keep at it, lookng forward to learning from this site. Ingerkari
Fille Åström
@ingerkari Oh. Sorry about that, but hopefully the wait wont be too long. Answer: My guess is that most day to day photos are taken on a mobile today, but yes, lots of people have SLRs for more serious photos. I guess it just depends on what kind of photographer you are. We want to support any type of photographer. I will put you on our waiting list to get notified when we have a iPad, Desktop or Android version ready.
Fille Åström
@ingerkari what desktop OS do you run? Windows or Mac ?
Joost van der Steen
Ow and how can I delete my pictures?
Fille Åström
@joostsvds As we are in a transition from the webbapp to native apps this can only be done in the webapp atm, but if you want I can fix this for you. Do you want me to erase your account or just the uploded your photos?
Fille Åström
@joostsvds I just realized that you havent created an account, so I cant identify which are your photos. Shoot me an email at and I can help you sort it out.
Inger Kari Nerheim
Well, here I am ready to explore the possibilities with my new Ipad. What a treat! Will be back with questions in a week or two. But now I am ready to go promoting. I suppose you would like some more users. What is the best link to send to my Iphone and MAC-user friends, one of them who really does a lot of photography, for different websites, about Picular? Not this site, surely?
Fille Åström
@ingerkari Exciting! What iPad did you get? Awesome that you want to tell others about us, this makes us so happy đŸ„°. The best is to simply send them to Thanks a gazillion for your time! If you need help on how to get going on you new device, it might be better to send us an email at instead of here. Thanks again!
Kristofer Guldvarg
Hi all! We've updated our web, so that anyone now can submit and vote for what features and platforms we should build next. Hope to see you there.