Charlie  Sheng

PhotoTime 2.0 - Automatic face sorting & keywords tagging for your photos

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Thank you for your warm upvotes :) PhotoTime is back with more powerful functions! Keeping your photos shouldn’t be harder than taking them. But the easier it gets to take the perfect snapshot, the harder it becomes to keep all those pictures organized. Now, here’s PhotoTime: the first app that automatically sorts and tags your photos, stress-free. Hold On, What? You heard us. PhotoTime auto-sorts your pictures. With the power of computer vision, it detects and tags scenes, places, people, objects, even emotions- and lets you search through your pictures seamlessly, whether they’re stored on your phone, your computer, your Facebook, or that ancient floppy disk you found at the local library. PhotoTime is yours to do with what you like. Make photo collections. Bookmark your favorite tags and places and people. Get a bird’s eye view of your photography over time. Use it to update your content on Facebook, Twitter or Flickr. Most importantly, PhotoTime frees you up to spend your time enjoying your pictures! Any thoughts and ideas? Feel free to leave us a comment!
Ativ Patel
@orbeusyi PhotoTime is awesome! Can you speak a little to what went into this product and how PhotoTime's computer vision is better/different than what's currently in the market? In my own life, I see a big use case for digging up a good TBT or trying to show a friend a specific photo of a vacation. What are some other use cases you've seen for PhotoTime?
Terry Xu
@orbeusyi Congratulations! Can you explain how searching photos on my computer would work? I think that will make it immensely more useful and powerful and certainly would like to pay for it.
@ativslife Good question, Ativ! When Orbeus was born two years ago, we first tapped the power of deep learning to provide scalable image and face recognition solutions for developers and enterprises. While our API has participated in many brilliant project, we understand both the tremendous value, and limitations, of a purely academic approach for everyday uses. PhotoTime is the app we made for everyday consumers to let them benefit from advances in deep learning. Since PhotoTime was launched in Nov 2014, many users have emailed us saying how amazing it is to quickly find the photos taken long time ago and share those past moments with their family and friends. We have also received feedback from photographers saying how much time PhotoTime helps them to save when they want to retrieve a specific photo. We value every single photo of our users and our mission for PhotoTime is to build it as an intelligent and powerful hub where users can connect to a variety of photo sources across devices, clouds and social networks and organize their moments effortlessly.
@coolnalu Thanks, Terry! All our users' photos are processed on the cloud. You can connect your cloud drives including Dropbox and Amazon Cloud to PhotoTime.
Heatherm Huang
I am impressed by the product. I am not a well-organized kind of person that all my photos and files are at random places. Spotlight is the solution for finding my files, and now PhotoTime does the job for the photos too. Great product, any plan for Mac/Web version?
@heathermhuang Thank you for the warm encouragement! And yes, Mac/Web version is on our plan!
Reinald Freling
The concept is very appealing. I don't think any photo app has cracked the photo management nut yet (and I tried a few). However I find it to be very buggy on my (old) iPhone 5. It crashed numerous times over the 5 minutes I played with it. Maybe the face recognition process is CPU/memory intensive, leading to crashes but it's definitely not the best user experience when you first try an app. And PhotoTime needs to expend to Desktop/Web in order to offer a holistic photo experience.
@rfreling Hi Reinald, thank you for the feedback! Our engineering team is furiously debugging now to bring up a better user experience. And yes, Web/Desktop is on our planner.
Reinald Freling
@orbeusyi great to hear :) So you know, the app consistently crashes every time I want to identify an unknown person. Is there any way of reporting the crash?
Yushan Chen
@rfreling Hi Reinald, v2.1.4 is out yesterday and should fix this bug. Could you please give it a try and let us know how it goes? Thanks a lot!
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