Frank Lee

Generated face by AI - Stock photoAC - The beta version of generating face models by AI


The generated face by AI is one of AI projects at photoAC-the stock photo from Japan. This service allows user can create the non-existent person and use safely in the personal and commercial projects without worrying about the permission of usage from models

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Michael Folling
These are some of the better looking AI generated models I've seen. I would recommend perfecting the signup/download process. If I choose an image to download and I'm not signed up or logged in then after I do sign up I have to search for the image again (which takes a while.)
Frank Lee
Hi guys, This is one of our AI projects at photoAC - the sharing stock photo from Japan. In terms of stock sharing photo, we got that one of our customer's concerns is about the copyright of photo which is downloaded. Especially, with the photo included the models. This leads us into the "The generated face by AI" project. After such a long time for researching, now we have done with the beta version. All the face photos is showing at this post were generated by using GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). The generated photo material could be downloaded and used in the same way as a normal material at our site. As this is a non-existent person, it is possible to use it safely without the need to obtain permission to use photos from the model. Currently, the quality of the generated face is unstable. In order to improve better quality, we are working hard to make a new version soon. We would love to hear your feedback! 😊 Frank - ACworks Japan