Sneha Prajapati

Passion - Find your passion in 30 Day for FREE


Find your passion in 30 days with 3 questions. A direction where your time and energy will give their best returns. Find the best stock of your life to invest your time & energy.
Passion will help you figure out a common link among all of your interests and hobbies.

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Sneha Prajapati
With Passion app you can find your passion in 30 days by asking 3 simple Question. If you are just starting your career and is not sure about your stream, department, major and a specific path that you want to follow in your life, Passion will help you find that treasure stone lurking within YOU. Save a ton of precious hours in your Life while chasing fruitless hit and trial with tons of interesting career options out there. You are living in the best time of history but one trade offs of 21st century is, we are living in the age of Infinite Information load. Getting looped and hooked to YouTube tutorial hell . Lying with our own gut by pretending to being busy and productive. One possible solution is being crystal clear with WHAT YOU WANT. Passion is packed with action items to guide you in this adventures ride of yours. Daily reminders on your daily activities to find your fire. I will ride this Adrenalin rush of yours chase to find your passion. Nowadays every great piece of content, learning resources are just a Good question away from you and google search button. What's difficult is to know what you want among this humongous Information overload. Most of your inspirational personalities are just a cold mail away to give you their best advice. Let's make the best out of this opportunity by being crystal clear on what exactly are you looking for Know what you want to get there. Let's get started Improve Us : With your feedback and suggestions. Reach out: Feel free to DM me at @curious_sne on Twitter.
Interesting idea @curious_sne
Sneha Prajapati
@ak_k1 Thank You