Kevin William David

Parla - AI-powered English teacher

Parla is an Artificial Intelligence-powered English teacher.

Parla, just like a human tutor, tells user what to learn next, corrects his mistakes and defines, when user has learned the new word or grammar rule.

We believe that AI will replace human teachers and change the way people learn, making education more effective and affordable to everyone.

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Spasskiy Alex
We decided to develop Parla because many people in the world still can’t afford hiring an English teacher or attending English courses as it’s rather expensive. There are many English learning apps, but most of them have a standard programme for training words and grammar. We believe that AI will change the way people learn, and will make education affordable to everyone and more effective. We started with English, but our plan is to "digitalize" all languages and all fields of education (like mathematics, physics etc). In Parla we used the following technology: * Parla’s algorithms analyse user’s data, mistakes, speed of learning - and basing on this data she builds up personal learning programme and tells user what to learn next. * Parla’s algorithm automatically defines when user has learned the new word or grammar rule, analysing the frequency of repeats an amount of mistakes, and builds the curve of forgetting for each word or rule. * Also we use Google’s Tensor Flow to entangle answer options. For example, for word «snow» answer options will be flow, blow, glow, rain, thunder, ice, storm. * Parla has algorithm, that analyses, in which skills user makes mistakes more often (reading, pronunciation, writing, translation or listening) and gives more exercises on the skill user makes more mistakes in. * Parla has her own emotions like a real teacher. If a student misses lessons or makes many mistakes - she can be angry and scold him. If student succeeds - she is happy. At the moment she has 5 moods. Sometimes she even says funny jokes. First version of Parla will be able to teach English to Spanish and Russian native speakers in 24 countries. She also will have an English-English version (to see how it works). We invite you to get «Early access» to Parla at our website: Android users will get access code and link to app after filling up the form on the website. iOs users will get early access in 1-2 months. Please, remember, it’s a beta version, so if you find any bugs, please, share them with us at contact[at] so we can fix them. Thanks for your interest and support!
Smita Srivastava
@aspasskiy Awesome thinking, so usually how long does Parla take to imbibe all the user behaviour of a person and become a perfect teacher? And can the learnings of one person be replicated for someone else?
Spasskiy Alex
@smita_srivastava Our team believes that AI will change the way people learn, replace human tutors and make education affordable to everyone and more effective. We started with English, but our plan is to "digitalize" all languages and all fields of education (like mathematics, physics etc).
Srikanth Noah
+1, fantastic idea, May be you read my mind? I'm searching for this kind of app since months :) Can't wait to see it live, I'm sold!
Spasskiy Alex
@srikanth_noah Thank you! We've just made the first step, but we have ambitious plans to make our AI better than human teacher.
Vladimir Klyuenkov

I was waiting for an application that can give recommendations and will not interfere with teaching myself, this is real way for me to improve language skill. Can't waited for new exercises!


Amazing idea!


I'm waiting for more languages.

Smita Srivastava
Amazing! the day might be far when AI will take over human teachers, but, this surely is paving the towards it.
Spasskiy Alex
@smita_srivastava At the moment AI can't replace a human teacher for 100%. We need 1 or 2 years of development and technologies improvement to reach this goal. But our AI specialists are convinced that AI will be able to teach English better than a human tutor because of the following: 1. AI will build a learning program based on data analysis of each student (level of knowledge, speed of learning, common mistakes). Standardized programs will become the past as well as a subjective attitude of teacher towards student. 2. It is hard to find a teacher who would know very well all highly specialized topics, whereas a body of AI’s knowledge is unlimited, which means it can teach English for any professional purpose. 2. A predictive model, analysis of mistakes and personal learning curve will make the process of learning much faster and effective. One won’t need years to learn English.
Yulia Ivanova
Congratulations! Still haven't got my code! When will you send it?)
Spasskiy Alex
@yuliaiv60780643 We'll send codes in a couple of hours!
Spasskiy Alex
@yuliaiv60780643 No problem - always love to answer quality questions :)
Paul Red



I like the idea. It is like a your additional mind in a smartphone



Yaroslav Emelyanov

Grammar trainings are truly difficult: I got stuck with the word order and correct form of verb several times. Made a stupid mistake like "I chosen to go to school" and even didnt understand what was wrong for a couple of minutes


When learn "to ride", it proposes "go, walk, run, ski". Don't know what algorithm it uses, but it seems really cool!


Can learn only english :(

Rinat Maksutov
Great idea! Would love to test it and post a review!
Spasskiy Alex
@ytilibom You can get early access by simply entering your email here: After receiving your message we will send you your personal early access code.
Oleg Toptalov

I want to try )))


Interesting idea and possible perspectives.


Add more languages to learn.

Michelle Grant
WOW! 21st century for AI... only. The right decision, guys.
Spasskiy Alex
@migratwit Thank you
Evgenii Trshchenkov

Excellent interface and interesting exercises - everything you need for an exciting study of the language


Genius project!!!


Add more language

Antonio Bologna
Love the Italian name Parla 😉
Dmitry Kostyakhin
Amazing! One of the best solutions on the market.
Anatoly Sharifulin
Wow 😮 Great job, guys! Good luck 👍
Spasskiy Alex
@sharifulin Thank you, stay tuned - it is just beta with core func
Денис Шаблий

Don't talk, just do


Good device!


Yes, it is

Rohit Srivastwa
Loved the idea. Only if such "more practical word set" idea was implemented by Duolingo etc. A lot of travelers need such stuff for learning practical language of destination country
Spasskiy Alex
@rohit11 we are not Learning tool, we a Practice tool
Haashir Mohammed
Amazing! I really have to say that the design is really cool but where do you employ AI in this application? these words are generated from a dictionary you baked in?
Spasskiy Alex
@haashirmohammed In Parla we used the following technology: * Parla’s algorithms analyse user’s data, mistakes, speed of learning - and basing on this data she builds up personal learning programme and tells user what to learn next. * Parla’s algorithm automatically defines when user has learned the new word or grammar rule, analysing the frequency of repeats an amount of mistakes, and builds the curve of forgetting for each word or rule. * Also we use Google’s Tensor Flow to entangle answer options. For example, for word «snow» answer options will be flow, blow, glow, rain, thunder, ice, storm. * Parla has algorithm, that analyses, in which skills user makes mistakes more often (reading, pronunciation, writing, translation or listening) and gives more exercises on the skill user makes more mistakes in. * Parla has her own emotions like a real teacher. If a student misses lessons or makes many mistakes - she can be angry and scold him. If student succeeds - she is happy. At the moment she has 5 moods. Sometimes she even says funny jokes.
Spasskiy Alex
@haashirmohammed we are working on the interface - to better tell the story of inside processes
Oceana Zubova

this is a very interesting idea. to date, few quality apps for learning English, which would be good for me and would meet my requirements. so very pleased with this product. thank you developers.




this is a very interesting idea.

Лиза Зуева

wow! I'm so glad to see this news! I have been looking for a tutorial or just a teacher of English. and lo! of course, I understand that this is just the first version, but it is not much inferior to the host application with all of us well-known name. and I so very much hope that this product will be brought to mind and become the market leader. and I'm finally going to learn English and even stop using Google and Yandex translator. and perhaps one day take over the world. but seriously, of course I will recommend this app to friends, friends of friends and friends of friends of friends. I studied for a while to "learn English" in the telegram. there were, of course, not the most successful student, and yet I really liked it. my level increased from zero straight to the first! :))) no, really, good bot this "learn English", so I was looking forward to the release of a full application, because it is already appreciated past the demo version. I want to say a big thank you and will wait for the Parla app will work in full force!!!


вот это да! я так рада видеть эту новость! я знаете ли давно искала самоучитель или просто учитель по английскому языку. и вот! конечно, я понимаю, что это всего лишь первая версия, но она не намного уступает ведущему приложению со всем нам известным именем. и я поэтому очень надеюсь, что этот продукт доведется до ума и станет лидирующим на рынке. и я наконец-то выучу английский и даже перестану пользоваться гугл и яндекс переводчиком. и возможно в один из прекрасных дней захвачу мир. а если серьезно, то конечно буду советовать это приложение друзьям, друзьям друзей и друзьям друзей друзей. я некоторое время обучалась на "learn English" в телеграмме. была, конечно, не самой успешной ученицей, и тем не менее мне очень нравилось. мой уровень вырос с нулевого прямо до первого! :))) нет, правда, хороший бот этот "learn English", и поэтому я очень ждала выхода полноценного приложения, потому что уже оценила прошлую демо версию. хочу сказать большое спасибо и буду очень ждать, когда приложение Парла будет работать в полную силу!!!


it's very interesting and amazing!


And now I would tel you some more

Инна Плетнева



отличное приложение,очень эффективно


пока не обнаруженно