Jacob Miller

Paragon - Hire entertainers for your next Zoom party

Paragon’s virtual events allow everyone to work directly with top talent to have a personalized show for any audience. Enjoy a tailored comedy show, dj set, or drag performance; Paragon makes the experience personal instead of being another ticketed patron.

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Jacob Miller
We created Paragon to help our friends in the service industry. All of us used to work in the restaurants, and seeing what happened in NYC devastated us. We had a lot of our friends asking us, “Can you help make an Old Fashioned” or “Do you know any comedians”, and wanted to do something. We then realized we can help create a marketplace for people to hire from the talented individuals displaced across the services industries. Online events are here to stay. Many companies have decided to permanently work from home and we’ve seen bookings related to team building events to virtual baby showers. While in person events will return, virtual events allow talented individuals outside of the large cities to perform for an audience they would normally never cross paths with. Social distancing doesn’t mean our lives can’t be social. In fact, now it is an opportunity to reconnect with friends globally and have a personalized dance party in your home dj’d by some of LA’s most sought after talent. Looking forward to feedback from the PH community! We're also offering 20% discounts for anyone booking through PH in August. Just shoot us at note at info(at)goparagon.co. ProTip: The best events start with a proactive and collaborate host :)
Jason M Festa
I thought this read "high entertainers for your zoom party". I need more coffee.
Andrew 💥
Love the concept! Good luck with the launch