Nathan Clevenger for - GitHub Pages now have a better domain name at βœ¨πŸš€

Don't have a CNAME to use? If you're using GitHub Pages, you've now got a better domain name!
All GitHub Pages like is now available at and nat.βœ¨πŸš€.to/hello
Just visit to get started now!

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Nathan Clevenger
I was helping my kids build their first website, and getting a good domain name turned out to take the most time consuming step. GitHub and GitHub Pages are amazing, but they said "my friends don't know what github is, and [user] is hard to say & spell". So now, anyone can have a more generic sounding address for their website for free with [user][repo]! And because kids these days mostly speak in emoji, they also asked if their domain could be βœ¨πŸš€ ... and well, it can! Any GitHub Pages site is also now accessible from [user].βœ¨πŸš€.to/[repo]! (On Chrome and FireFox, the address bar shows emoji domains starting with "xn--" so βœ¨πŸš€.to will look like, but Safari on Mac, iPhone, and iPad display the emoji in the address bar.) I hope you find this as valuable and fun as my kids did! Please let me know what you're building, and post your GitHub Pages links on here at [user][repo or [user].βœ¨πŸš€.to/[repo]!