Meng To

Padbury Clock Screensaver - Minimal screensaver for Mac

The Padbury Clock Screensaver is a minimalist's dream – and should be the default on every computer. You can choose between 12 hour and 24 hour format, and nothing more. It's simple, clean, give it a try on your machine. ✨

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Ryan Hoover
Beautifully simple:
Connie Qian
@rrhoover Fliqlo is awesome too!
Hidde van der Ploeg
@padbury is a ex-apple designer who made this screensaver a quite a while ago. Still awesome.
Sidney Zhang
I am curious whether it is possible to have dynamic screen savers. (e.g. Product Hunt screensaver)
Will Imholte
@sidazhang There is (was?) a built in RSS screensaver for years on Mac OS X.
PierreOlivier Carles
Just beautiful. I was not using screen savers anymore - having Caffein running all the time - but this one is so slick and clean. Love it!
Lisa Kalner Williams
Is there any PC alternative? Love the vibe of this but have a Surface Book.
jeffrey amoah
how do I install
Arti Villa
How did you get the black version?
One of the first apps I install on a new Mac.
Stefan Ritter
beautiful! apple should make this a standard :)
Ramkrishna Joarder
How to download this screensaver?
Harsha Martin
isn't it for windows
Mathias Adam
Just Beautiful ;)
Shayan Saber
Absolutely love this screen saver.
Eugene Nam
simple and elegant! everyone who sees my screensaver wants to get it too
Paul Albrecht
Nice! Keep them coming. I need a new saver every week.
Binoy Xavier Joy
Cool set of minimal clock Screen Savers for Mac OS X
clean. like.
Remember to carpe diem with each tick of the clock on your inexcusably idle computer.
Mads Emil Dalsgaard
Looks really cool! I've been dreaming of getting "standard time" as a screensaver for ages. Has anyone seen anything like it?
Joshua Söhn
Hey @mengto, it would be great to give credit if you are using a photo I shot to promote something. (Or buy a proper license for it here
Meng To
@joshuasoehn Strange, I definitely don't remember adding them. I don't even have those images anywhere in my HD, so I couldn't possibly have uploaded them. Anyhow, I just removed them. Thanks!