Hiten Shah

The Data Driven Daily - Daily ideas for using data to make better business decisions


The Data Driven Daily is a daily email newsletter that provides ideas and advice on how to use data to make better business decisions. Topics range from how to select your key metrics to how to do effective business planning and root cause analysis.

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Sean Byrnes
Thanks Hiten! I created the Data Driven Daily because too many people want to use data to make decisions but don't know how to start. Data should be empowering, not intimidating! Everyday I cover how to use data to make decisions, focusing on fundamentals and simplicity. Each issue only takes 2-3 minutes to read so you can learn something and then get on your way! Hopefully it will be a good reminder of fundamentals for experts and a great starting point for people who want to make better use of data.
David Fortino
@sbyrnes Are you open to monetizing the newsletter via native/sponsored posts? I'd be happy to walk you through the benefits of our RevResponse platform. LMK and we can take it offline. Cheers.
Sean Byrnes
@david__fortino Hi David! Thanks for the offer. The mission of the Data Driven Daily is education, not revenue, so we aren't planning to make money from it. However, I checked out your website and RevResponse looks interesting. I know of some other companies that might be interested and will pass it along!
David Fortino
@sbyrnes No worries, I figured as such but it never hurts to ask. Thx for the kind words and recognizing the opportunity for RevResponse. We're always happy to help publishers with their various b2b-centric monetization needs. Thx!
Hiten Shah
This *daily* email newsletter is invaluable to any one who wants to get better at using data for their business. If that's you, sign up and check it out for yourself!
Edith Harbaugh
The best part of waking up is DataDrivenDaily in my inbox. and coffee.
Sean Byrnes
@edith_h Thanks Edith! What would it take for us to overtake coffee for solo ownership of the best part?
Eric Anderson
So what is Outlier anyway? The landing page is very nondescript.
Sean Byrnes
@theericanderson Hi Eric! Outlier is a company I started last year to tackle the problem of data exploration. Most businesses have so much data at their disposal that they don't know where to start looking for hidden opportunities and problems. You might check your KPIs everyday, but what is going on below that - deep in all the dimensions of your data? Among your segments, cohorts, demographics, etc? Outlier helps find those by automatically analyzing all of your business data and finding those opportunities for you. We'll open it up later this year, so sign up for the beta if you'd like to try it out now or hear about when we launch it! Mention Product Hunt in your signup and we'll get you set up for a demo. The Data Driven Daily is part of our mission at Outlier, as we feel that empowering people to use data is more than just better tools. It means making data accessible to everyone and giving them the skills and understanding to make use of it.
Eric Anderson
@sbyrnes Awesome! Thanks for the detailed explanation. That sounds like a super interesting mission and something I can personally identify strongly with (especially given what we do at Keen IO). I'm excited to see your team's launch!
Ken Kaczmarek
Wow, impressed by the amount of content you're pumping out here daily. Nice work. Seems as if much of the content is covering wide-ranging structural business topics across a range of functions (e.g., pricing, revenue recognition), but from an analytics perspective. Who do you see as your target audience (and, if different, that of Outlier?)
Sean Byrnes
@wanderslth Hi Ken, great question! You are right that the content covers a wide range of topics, as I've found that one of the challenges to adoption of data is boredom. Staring at the same dashboards, charts and metrics for too long makes data seem boring and it is difficult to maintain attention. By showing a wide range of ways that data can be used, my hope is to make it seem more interesting and hence more useful. My opinion, and our thinking at Outlier, is that everyone in a business is now a business analyst. The explosion of data means that every function can benefit from using it to make better decisions! That means most people using data don't have degrees in statistics or mathematics and might not be analytics experts. The Data Driven Daily is designed to speak to them and help them start on a path to using data. However, I have been impressed at how many experts have become enthusiastic readers because of the focus on fundamentals. Just like in sports, everyone benefits from refreshing their fundamentals!
Ken Kaczmarek
@sbyrnes > everyone in a business is now a business analyst. Couldn't agree with you more about this movement toward data democratization. This is a core idea behind the startup I'm working on (flex.io) -- we find much of the data bottleneck is between IT and Biz in data prep/ETL stage... and doing what we can to make that more accessible. Just signed up for the newsletter; looking forward to reading it. Cheers!
Manoj Nahar
Really?! No analytics or tracking on the landing page for DataDriven daily?
Sean Byrnes
@manojnahar Ha, that is true! One of the lessons I emphasize is that you should track what is important (and not simply track everything). I care the most about engagement with existing readers (open rates, etc) than with initial conversion, with the belief that if readers are very satisfied they will help conversions through word of mouth. In the future that will change and then I'll add tracking to the main website! There is also so little on the current website that I wouldn't be able to discern any reasons for failed conversions. However, that is a great idea for an upcoming week of the Data Driven Daily! Thanks for the inspiration Manoj!
Samson Hu
I've been impressed by the quality of the lessons in this newsletter. The Outlier team has tried to take some of the biggest lessons in using data and teach them in small, digestible bits.
Sean Byrnes
@samson_hu Thanks Samson! Glad you find it helpful.
Daniel Piemont
@sbyrnes I've really been enjoying the Data Driven Daily over the past month. It's great to see microeconomics fundamentals getting the respect they deserve :). I particularly enjoyed your series on the oft-manipulated customer lifetime value. I'd love to hear your thoughts on time series analysis for growth forecasting sometime. Thanks for the great free content!
Sean Byrnes
@daniel_piemont Thanks Dan! This week is on Revenue and how your definition of revenue is VERY very important. It was actually requested after the series on CLV since I think people realize that if your definition of revenue is flawed then your CLV is flawed as well! Growth forecasting is a great subject, I'll add it to the list of topics for the next few weeks. Keep the suggestions coming!
Paul Burke
As a Founder with not a lot of experience in understanding data, this will help me a lot. Thanks!
Sean Byrnes
@pburke24 Thanks Paul! If there are specific topics you want me to cover in the future please let me know. Most of the topics are requested by readers who want to learn something new.
Rahul Thathoo
Been a subscriber for a few weeks now - extremely informative content. The best part is that I have been able to engage with the content authors over email and they are a very knowledgeable group of people. Don't subscribe at your own risk - please subscribe if you want to learn / embellish your learnings with really well thought through content.
Sean Byrnes
@thathoo Thanks Rahul! I'm glad you are finding it helpful. Please do let me know if there are topics you'd like us to cover in the coming weeks.
Ari Akerstein
@sbyrnes - great work and loving this newsletter. The best part is how it's structured as a series of mini business vignettes that build off one another. Keeps me looking forward to the next installment.
Sean Byrnes
@ari_akerstein Thanks Ari! Are there any topics you'd like us to cover in upcoming issues?
Cody McLain
This interesting.
Sean Byrnes
@codymclain Thanks Cody! Let me know if there are topics you'd like us to cover in the coming days. Most of our topics are driven by questions from our readers.
Daniel F Lopes
@sbyrnes The purpose looks promising. I think it would be interesting to show some examples on the landing page though - this way I would have a more concrete idea of what I'm going to receive in my inbox. :)
Sean Byrnes
@danflopes Hi Dan! No worries, I realize the link is not obvious. You are right, it should be easier to figure out what you are signing up for when you subscribe. We'll update the website soon with better info!
Arun Agrahri
Looks pretty useful! Any plans on creating an index of daily data resources, that you can search anytime?
Sean Byrnes
@arunagrahri Hi Arun! Yes, once we have a few more weeks under our belt we'll make the Data Driven Daily content more easily organized and accessible through a blog-type interface. For now the best we have is an archive of past issues, which you can link to through from the homepage.
Niklas Wegdell
Quick question: Can you read the old emails - are there like blog posts somewhere, or is the content in the emails only?
Totally subscribing. This would definitely help me make more sense of data and data decision making! Thanks Sean!
Travis Weathers
I'm just going to say that I've been signed up for this for a while now and I'm never disappointed with the content! Thanks for doing this!
Ivan Kutas
Thanks for good advices in newsletters! I discovered R programming language for myself.