Vlad Danilov

Optimage 3.0 - Automatic image compression that actually works


Optimage is an all-in-one image optimization tool that provides the highest compression ratio at consistent visual quality. It can automatically resize, convert and compress over 20 common image and video formats.

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Fede Nelli
This is cool! Can you tell me how it differs from ImageOptim which is free?
Vlad Danilov
@fede_nelli1 In short, lossless compression is 5-15% better, it's more careful with Exif, color profiles and sensitive metadata. Lossy compression is better or worse depending on the image content. The difference is visual quality. Optimage has not failed yet in the tests, while ImageOptim failed in over 50% of cases. Optimage uses maximum error while ImageOptim uses average error for image quality assessment, meaning local error can be anything, colors negated, etc. You can find the detailed comparison on the website, the link is attached above. Also, Optimage can compress more formats including WebP, HEIC, APNG, MP4, WebM, ICO, ICNS - over 20 in total, with high-quality resizing and conversion, and that's not all.
Vlad Danilov
This is the tool I always wanted but could find anywhere, so I had to build it myself. Finally, it is (almost) everything there is for image optimization. Hope you like it! You can use PH30 promocode to get 30% off.
On Mac only πŸ˜ͺ
Vlad Danilov
@ange_du_soir Other platforms will come eventually. That was the goal since the beginning but I had to choose one to perfect. There is some progress, but it is too early to say when.
Gregory Warner
@ange_du_soir @vmdanilov Good news, I'd love to pick this up but mainly need it for PC. Good image compression apps in that space are slim pickings. You'd definitely stand out!
Benjamin Roesner
Why not use Imageoptim? It’s free for Mac and has a web api. https://imageoptim.com/mac
Vlad Danilov
@ben_roe ImageOptim does not provide automatic image compression because image quality is completely unpredictable. There is a huge gap between automatic and semi-automatic with manual tweaking.
Marko Radak
Amazing! You should add PDF support as well!
Vlad Danilov
@mgganesh You can use Transmit Disk to connect to your server and optimize images in the mounted folder. I have some ideas on how to make it even easier.
Josh Werner



Has a higher reduction rate than the previous app I was using (ImageOptim).


None so far!

Hakan Erdur
@jshwrnr i am also using imageoptim, what about the quality? Does it decrease the quality?
Andy Chu

Favorite use cases are to strip out metadata (location stuff usually), and get mockups ready for decks so that it doesn't take forever to load.


It's the perfect specialized tool that you don't need it often, but when you do need, it's perfect for its use case.


None that I can think of.

DJ Chris Purple
interesting. do you provide an API so I can use it as a service when our users upload a file for our app?
Vlad Danilov
@dj_chris_purple No, but it's possible. I plan to make a universal CLI tool first.
Adam Huet
The first image I tried was increased in size...
Vlad Danilov
@adamhuet Can you share the image, so I can investigate and fix if there is an issue? You can find the email on the website. There are a number of cases when it may happen, e.g. color conversion. In that case there are two choices, either leave the image without the requested modifications or modify it as requested. Optimage chooses the latter for critical formats because they may contain sensitive metadata.
I wanted this type of tool and got this one.
Gabriele Brooks
Ok this is something cool.
Brandon McConnell
I'd love to see a version of this that works server-side for user-uploaded images or to scan server and optimize images on the fly
Vlad Danilov
@brandon_mcconnell I plan to build a solution for this, starting with a universal CLI tool.

Being using ImageOptim all this time, can see the different with Optimage. Brilliant!!!


Awesome <3



Jemshit Iskenderov
Difference between tinypng and this?
Vlad Danilov
@jemshit_i There's a detailed comparison on the website, the link is attached above. In short, Optimage provides comparable compression ratios and does not cause noticeable artifacts.
Cristian Moisei
Do the others like ImageOptim, TinyJPG or JPEGMini not 'actually' work?
Vlad Danilov
@cristianmoisei They produce noticeable artifacts. You can see the comparison on the website. The link is attached above.
Cristian Moisei
@vmdanilov Fair enough, I'd be happy happy to switch to this if the compression algorithm delivers more savings with no noticeable artefacts, especially colour differences. But I still think saying that this app 'actually works' is a bit of an overstatement. The others work too, quite well. Your claim is that this app works better.
Vlad Danilov
@cristianmoisei It's about automatic image compression that 'actually works' when image quality is consistent. ImageOptim, TinyJPG, JPEGMini and most other tools rely on average not maximum error, meaning a part of your image can be destroyed beyond recognition.
EightyEight Eyes
Only for Mac users?!
Vlad Danilov
@eightyeighteigh Yes, other platforms are in the works.
Laurent Gaulhiac
Just a message to support the author ! It's a really nice app. Way better than ImageOptim. It's just too bad that we cannot save pressets and that there is no shortcut like in Pichi App. (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) Anyway I still prefer Optimage because we can rename/replace pre/postfix, choose a specific folder, erase original... pretty amazing ! It also support a lot of files... Too bad that I have troubles with compressing PDF that goes out of Figma... (problem of transparency). Keep up the good work @vmdanilov and I will definitly take a licence!
Vlad Kudinov
Such a great tool, @vmdanilov! I like the minimalistic interface, it reminds me ImageOptim. I've added it to Nice, Very Nice if you don't mind β€” https://www.niceverynice.com/too.... Keep it up!