Kyle Poyar

Product Led Growth Maturity Grader - A quick assessment to gauge your product led growth maturity


The Product Led Growth Maturity Grader gives you a quick idea of how far along your organization is on the PLG maturity spectrum. As you answer questions, we’ll adjust your maturity score and give you advice on how to improve in real-time.

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Kyle Poyar
There's been a ton of buzz lately about Product Led Growth, but Founders don't always know what it means or how to do it ("be like Slack" isn't super helpful...). The team at @openviewventure put together a quick, interactive product to quickly test your capabilities and figure out how to improve. Hope you like it @hnshah, @ashl3ysm1th, @seandougfan1, @elizabethjcain, @wes_bush!
Wes Bush
@openviewventure @hnshah @ashl3ysm1th @seandougfan1 @elizabethjcain @poyark Great job putting this together! I love the coaching tips as you go through the grader. Well done!