Gordian Braun

onetool - 1st startup sold as an NFT - "Business is half art and half science" - We nailed the art!


"Business is half art and half science". We got the second part of the quote wrong, but we nailed the first part.
The first startup ever sold as collectible art - Y Combinator-backed & failing as big as we thought big.
check us out on onetool.co

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@gordian_braun and @stelios_kapantais1 this is dope! You might have just started a movement ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Gordian Braun
@stelios_kapantais1 @adityavsc Thank you. Trying to embrace a culture of failure; and, of course, of always showing optimism.
Ashley Porciuncula
Congratulations to your team on the launch ๐Ÿ‘
Gordian Braun
@ashleymarinep The UN-launch. Thanks
Gordian Braun
Hi PH, Meet the first startup ever sold as collectible art - Y Combinator-backed & failing as big as we thought big. We are the first startup to turn a failed business into collectible art because as they say "business is half art and half science". We got the second part of the quote wrong, but we nailed the first part. onetool is a startup backed by famous Y Combinator which had the mission to think more than big and to make the impossible happen: to consolidate all 30K+ business apps out there like slack, GitHub, Gmail, etc. into one app-store for business software so companies can manage all their software in one place. Needless to say that we couldn't make it but we found that we had created a great piece of art along the way: a product that is absolutely not working but had convinced many investors to join the mission. Now, we are entering onetool's last journey to immortality by converting this startup failure into an unforgettable piece of art. This NFT includes the certificate of "the first startup ever sold as an NFT" as well as access to the most "valuable assets" of onetool in one, curated, piece of art: Ownership Certificate of the first startup ever sold as an NFT - onetool word trademark document (28 EU countries + USA) - onetool logo and logomark - App Store (front-end & back-end; non-functional): Store to buy SaaS, API, App Store Provisioning Suite & Team Management - Provisioning and SaaS Management Suite (front-end & back-end; non-functional) - All code, database, repositories, and integrations API of the onetool products described above - Full documentation - SEO-optimized onetool.co website with 30 organic B2B leads coming in every month (growing 20% p.M.) - onetool.co domain - App-store and provisioning suite figma files - Y Combinator application and video pitch - All Press releases for outlets like TechCrunch Why this reserve price? It equals USD 1.65M which is the money we spent on creating this beautifully crafted piece of art over the last two years. Of course, it doesn't reflect the value of all the sweat, tears, panic attacks, and sleepless nights we put into this. NOTE: This purchase and sale is limited to the assets specifically outlined in this NFT offer, and Buyer shall not assume any liabilities of onetool Inc. or its subsidiaries or its individual shareholders, directors, officers, affiliates, creditors, parent or subsidiary companies, if any. The assets outlined here are explicitly sold as art as they might not be able to be used as a functioning technical product. This is not a share deal and you won't be getting access to things like (but not limited) shares, bank accounts, money, user data, personal data, credit cards, software subscriptions/licenses, accounts receivable, liabilities, etc. This purchase and sale is limited to the assets specifically outlined in this NFT offering.
Skander Garroum
Bold creative move! Hope you go out with a bang and make a dent in the universe with the first startup NFT.
Gordian Braun
@skagarroum Thank you! Also hope to make the world aware that building a startup is a risk and you can embrace failures because it is a part of the game. Always pretending to have "sold" does not do good for anyone.
Zippo Xแป‹n
Gordian Braun
@zippoxinusa You're welcome
Sofia Pearsson
Hey, Such a cool idea!! Congrats @gordian_braun I'm writing an article on this specific topic for a blog. What happened with the purchase? Did it go through? I'm trying to access the link but I get a 404 Cheers!