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Ricardo Sawir
HNdeck β€” Browser for staying in touch with what's happening on HN
Having fear of missing out of what's happening on HN?
Browse HN stories side by side, sort through its popularity and comments. Jump directly on trending discussion if needed.
Ricardo Sawir
Hi friends, I have been busy these days doing researches and any work related. However, I just felt like every time I was away, may be for a day or two (or even just hours), I felt like I could not catch up with what was happening then, especially on Hacker News community. πŸ˜… That's why, I made HNdeck. It's a tool to help me browse the latest and the most discussed/hot topic on HN. I also am able to browse and sort each story based on its popularity (or upvotes), and how many people are actively discussing on that thread.πŸ˜ƒ The features are: 1. πŸ“ˆ Browse easily HN Best, Top, New, AskHN/TellHN, ShowHN 2. πŸ’‘ Get HN story live 3. πŸ‘πŸ» Sort each thread/story based on its popularity and comment If you have any issues, please comment here, and I will try to address it as fast as I can. Thank you πŸ‘πŸ»