Ricardo Sawir

Hacker News Simple Analytics - Analyze your Hacker News submissions

Hacker News Simple Analytics lets you see and analyze your Hacker News Submissions. It's simple and free to use. Just enter your username and you will see all of your submissions statistic.

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Ricardo Sawir
Hi, friends. I want to see how my hacker news submissions perform. Either from how it gets upvoted. How people reacts to my submissions. And I want to compare it directly in a table, sorting the submission either by the comments or the score. If you have any feedback, I am available at Twitter or you can email me at sawir.ricardo@gmail.com
Wilson Bright
@ricardosawir I like this. May I know if there is a way to find out the top submitters, karma point holders? By this I can reference and see how they are approaching. Some analytics around this could be helpful. Are you planning to extend this further?
Ricardo Sawir
@ricardosawir @wilsonbright Hi Wilson, that's a great idea! I've implemented something like "user leaderboard" so you can see the top submitters, sortable by karma. It is based on those who made to the best stories.
Wilson Bright
@ricardosawir @wilsonbright Love this! Going to be super helpful! I have followed you on Twitter. Analytics based on weekly, monthly could be interesting as well. Do you see can there learning on how to be good at HN? Any patterns from successful HN users to learn from or imitate from?
Ricardo Sawir
@ricardosawir @wilsonbright Thank you, also! it's also because of your input 👍🏻 I will consider for the weekly and monthly, as it will need more time. For submissions, I still have not yet come to any conclusion, just some speculations. I probably want to put a quote from HN Guidelines (https://news.ycombinator.com/new...): What to Submit On-Topic: Anything that good hackers would find interesting. That includes more than hacking and startups. If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity. Off-Topic: Most stories about politics, or crime, or sports, unless they're evidence of some interesting new phenomenon. Videos of pratfalls or disasters, or cute animal pictures. If they'd cover it on TV news, it's probably off-topic. In my opinion, the point "... anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity" is probably the best answer as of now. In addition, I think a good headline principle also applies (news-headline like, copywriting headline may apply too) And for being a "good user", the first thing I notice is simply be active in the community. If you search the username "ingve" with karma 129630 (as of 2020-12-01), I see this user has submitted 10292 submissions (comment/story). That's a huge number compared to me which only has 59 submissions. And how about you? Do you learn new things?
Wilson Bright
@ricardosawir @wilsonbright thanks for sharing. I haven't been active in HN as I'm not great at discourse. Just starting out. Have been following for the last few years. Primarily the digestive version from newsletters like HN newsletters. For a starter, I felt HN is intimidating as it feels like forum of high intellects. I continue to search new ideas and topics on HN. I use this to search https://hn.algolia.com/