Poor Man's Business Info Checker 2.0 - explore private companies and startups metrics via 20+ tools
Collection of 20+ free tools to discover and explore metrics and information about private businesses, startups and persons. From revenue, number of employees and key person names to ads purchased and court fillings.
Poor Man's Company Info Checker - check company revenue or website via 10+ free online tools
Explore revenue, employees and other metrics about companies via 12 free online tools. Get information about estimated revenue, number of employees, website popularity, investments if any. Save time with single click to open all databases at once!
Data Playground - Search, sort, filter data from CSV using natural language
Easy way for non-techies to work with raw CSV data! With this app one may search, filter, sort data using natural language questions like these:
- Show 3 last orders
- Get customers with email like berry
- Show last 3 orders sorted by price
Online Invoice Generator with sales tax rate suggestion - create printable invoices online, no sign up is required!
Create a printable invoice: add items, discount, shipping, tax rate (auto suggested based on From and To). Manage multiple invoices. Invoice data is not transmitted anywhere and stored in your browser only.
ByteScout SQL Trainer - Learn SQL queries by doing live data exercises
ByteScout SQL Trainer is the fun way to learn basic SQL queries with an interactive online simulator. You will learn queries from basic ones to filtering data about customers and orders. Best of all it works on live data so you may try playing with different variations.