"Coming up with an innovative idea is one of the hardest things you will ever do.
"That's just the truth. No matter what field you're working in, no matter where you are in your career, no matter what kind of revolution you're trying to start, seeking innovation is not for the faint of heart.
"You need to be expertly anticipating the future, constantly glancing at what's come before you, and always acutely aware of what's going on around you, ready to course correct at a moment's notice. You don't just need smarts - you need intuition, insight, and impeccable timing.
Consider this your guide to finding disruptive business ideas quickly."
— Rahaf Harfoush, the NYT bestselling author of "Decoded" and a teacher on innovation and entrepreneurship at SciencesPo in Paris, has partnered with us at One Month to teach our latest course in INNOVATION.
@sarahkpeck Would this course help professionals who are "too busy" to think of ideas and new strategies in their current jobs or is is just for finding business models? My team needs to deliver new ideas/strategies often but we rarely have "time" to research/think/ideate.
@niamhhughes Great question. In the course, Rahaf goes through her landscape analysis / competitive analysis framework and how to systemize thinking through ideas and coming up with new ones.
One of my favorite parts of her teaching is her framework for how to read, skim, and keep up with media without becoming overwhelmed, and turn it into a tool for idea generation.
I think that yes, this would help with generating innovative ideas, because the same principles of analysis and surveying apply.
A client is wholesaler and distributor in the video surveillance industry, sourcing and marketing products for the european market. He is struggeling with differentiating himself from his competitors and relating to his customers. How can he benefit from this course?
@marcelreschke Great question! The course is focused on finding new ideas, which will help lay the foundation for "how can I differentiate?" Then, after sourcing ideas (through Rahaf's method), you'll learn how to find new angles on old problems, and how to determine which ideas are best for differentiating and standing out.
It's approximately 4 hours of video and would take a few days to sift through the process and apply the strategies to his industry. You could set up a work session at the beginning of the week and end of the week and probably achieve quite a lot in moving your client forward (IMO).
@marcelreschke In addition, sounds like doing some user research with his customer is another good step (not in this course), and I also recommend the book "Stand Out" by Dorie Clark to help with positioning yourself.
@meshlakhani@rahafharfoush Thanks Mesh! Huge shout-out goes to Zach Valenti and Gabriel Urbina for their tireless & innovative video work. And obviously to Rahaf, who is an AMAZING teacher to work with!
Alright, you got me. Subscribed. Love the accelerated product introduction cycle. Looking forward to diving in and carving out time to go through everything!
@jcwinter Awesome! Let us know what you think and feel free to reach out @sarahkpeck or @onemonthedu if you have any questions about the course. Just released it late last night!
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