Really awesome health app. I love this quote from the founder, Jeff Dachis:
"I started One Drop because when I found out I had diabetes, I was shocked at how behind the times diabetes care was. All the energy seemed to be focused on managing problems versus preventing them in the first place. I wanted to do something about it and work with an amazing team to bring the quantified self movement, internet of things, big data, and mobile computing to people with diabetes in a simple, fully integrated solution."
I highly recommend this blog post:
Wow! We really appreciate the kind words here. We are relentlessly trying to make it easier, less expensive, and more convenient for people to live their lives with diabetes.
@jeffdachis One App is beautifully executed. Congratulations! The design interface is absolutely stunning - would love to hear about the inspiration for the direction?
@pbouk The design inspiration came from a moment of clarity I had one day when checking my blood. Obviously (although maybe not to everyone), people with diabetes have to check there blood multiple times a day by pricking their fingers, extracting drop of blood, and then testing the glucose range with a glucometer.
It was in one of those moments that I realized that each drop represented an opportunity to learn from my behaviors, to stay present and mindful in the moment, and to use that literal sharp reminder to be living my life to the fullest - literally One Drop at a time.
We took the Drop and the moment and translated that into a visible language and design vocabulary that translated into the entire One Drop experience, interface, product and hardware design, and information design so that we could simply and powerfully convey that concept.
I'm not sure if we got it right, but that was the inspiration.
As a founder of a mHealth company (AsthmaMD) I really like what OneDrop has done. Their UI is probably the best among the mHealth apps I've seen and their overall user experience and product strategy is brilliant. Also the founder gave an amazing pitch at the Launch event.
One Drop
One Drop
Idea Stash
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