Hi there! Maker here : ) Thanks for posting, Austin
I'll dump the site's "About" section below and I'm happy to answer any questions
While this site was inspired by very real concern shared by the author, his friends, and a large number of Americans about the future leader of our country, the vision of this site is to enact positive change. We aim to repurpose today's intense emotions as a catalyst for good.
We hope that the chance viewer of this site who is opposed to or frightened by the president will take the opportunity to commit to a good act or practice that they feel will make the world a better place.
If Donald turns out not to be that bad, I hope pledgers won't feel guilty about doing a good thing.
Tech stack is:
- AWS Lambda
- C#/.NET Core runtime
- Serverless Framework
- DynamoDB
- S3 for website asset hosting
- A loosely modified $10 bootstrap theme ;)
Site is also open source at https://github.com/FLGMwt/offset... (which I suppose I should add to the site, huh?)
Offset Trump is a simple site where you can pledge to do something good during the Trump presidency. It's a cool way to see what others are doing around the globe to try and better themselves and their communities.
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