Hey Product Hunters!
Thanks for checking out Leo, the Slack app to help keep your team happy built by Officevibe :)
The Officevibe team traveled to Barcelona for 10 days to build an epic Slack integration, we documented our entire journey here https://www.officevibe.com/blog/...
Feel free to ask any questions or give us feedback.
@jacobshriar, this looks really good, I think it has a good fit for one of my teams, so I signed up to give it a whirl. How many employees must I invite before I can view beyond the Preview screens in the backend?
here's some feedback I think will help you as you continue marketing this tool:
oh well, for 15 people this really doesn't make sense. $80 / month for 15 people. It would be good if the company was like 50 people strong.
Other than that, having started the "trial" (even though I didn't know I was starting a trial, especially JUST a 14-day trial), it seems to be working pretty great. It might actually be a good tool to get for my team. I'll keep testing it.
But to be perfectly honest, I'd pay like $2 / user, not $5.3 / user.
Improvements I see necessary:
1) If you're aiming for transparent communication you need to update the Landing Page that's here on product Hunt and SHOW the pricing model. There is no link to pricing, nor are the prices specified.
2) Specify that you'll (the user) will be starting a Trial for 14 days.
3) On-boarding: make it VERY clear to the manage what will happen once he starts the onboarding process. There's just some green Unlock button now, but doesn't let you know what you can expect.
And after you get started, all employees start seeing it, there are private messages, etc. Maybe it would be a good idea for the manager to know this before-hand. In my cases, I would've had the HR manager know that this was about to "go down", so he can at least write a message to people saying: "hey, we're testing this tool to make your life better here at our company. why don't you give it a try when a new Slack bot that we've installed asks you questions"?
4) Pricing. $80 a month for 15 people .. that's waaay too much. This should be re-considered. Especially, because the team will grow, and you'll keep making more money as that happens.
What you aim to do is to get in. And then you'll grow as the team grows. Which makes perfect sense.
5) Your strategy is to do kind of a ninja thing. You get people excited to try it out and there is no barrier because you don't mention prices and / or free trial. Which gets A LOT more people to sign up, than they normally would.
You count on the app to actually do a great job (and it does!) to make the manager feel less sorry for having been somehow cheated by the lack of information.
From a growth hacking perspective, this may be okay, but I think that full transparency will win you guys a lot more customers in the long run.
Luckily, my team had a good reaction to this, so i didn't have to go explaining: "hey sorry about that, we were just trying something out. DIdn't know it would do that, etc. etc.".
I think that if you handle these 5 things written here you'll have a solid thing going on with this app.
All the best!
@florin_muresan This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for this and I agree with all of your points. About the pricing, we currently do tiered pricing with buckets of users, but maybe a "startup" bucket or something for 10-20 users would make sense.
Most of the companies that sign up with Officevibe are generally in the 40-100 employee range, which usually is that sweet spot when the culture either starts to slip or starts getting harder to track.
The transparency and clarity about the pricing and onboarding is something we're working on after the feedback we've gotten from you and some other people on this thread.
Thanks so much for your detailed comment :)
Great idea @jacobshriar. One of the challenges of all these team engagement / retention services coming up is to nail the communication channel, and I do think that slack is a winning choice.
One interesting thing you can do with employees data is to start leveraging big data analysis identifying patterns with all your users and, possibly, kicking off a recommendation service (e.g. "75% of employees working in small startup feel much better after going from monthly to weekly 1:1 with their lead"). Could this be a pro service?
Another monetization opportunity may come from proposing team events based on preferences from the team (there are team-event based platforms you can use, for an affiliate commission) or identify problems and propose leads (e.g. when employees are unsatisfied with their learning opportunity, you recommend their managers to sign up to a specially discounted @pluralsight plan), etc....
Once you are in those companies main communication channel, the opportunities are endless.
I wish you a great deal of luck and I will be keeping an eye close to the project.
@enricofoschi Thank you for your comments and kind words :) This is great.
I agree that I think we made a good choice with Slack. As Slack starts to replace email more and more and make communication seamless, it helps with that fatigue that comes with the communication from any engagement service.
The big data analysis you're talking about is something we have planned for the next few quarters. As we start to integrate with more services, we'll be better able to spot those kinds of patterns.
The affiliate model you're talking about is also something we'd love to do, but I think we need critical mass before it really makes sense. One of our current features in Officevibe is an "Improve" section with different activities to try with your team, content to read, etc. based on your scores, so an obvious next step is to add partners in there. As a simple example, if we see that wellness is low, we can recommend a local gym at a discount or a healthy lunch delivery service, but that's a very smart idea!
Thanks again for the kind words and support :)
@sara_sgm Great questions!
The bot asks questions once a week, and currently you're unable to customize it although that's something we definitely want to do. Internal voting is a great idea and also something we want to do in the near future.
For team leaders to be able to ask questions and get some type of crowd voting through Slack is an obvious next step for us.
@choi_kl Not currently, although that's something we think could be cool to add. Hopefully we'll add that ability soon, but it's much more robust inside the tool, there's only so much you can post to Slack. We'll likely use Slack as the way to pull people back into the system.
@hammouriomg Hey Omar, currently the questions aren't customizable.
The engine behind Leo, Officevibe is a tool that helps companies survey their employees. In Officevibe, there are 350+ pre-built questions for you to use out of the box.
We wanted to make it as simple and automated as possible for teams to get started, but asking your own questions through Slack is a great idea and is something we'd like to eventually do.
Very cool idea Jacob :) This looks great and excited to integrate it- I did want to give some quick feedback from my end: I'll admit I'm not too experienced with Slack integrations in general but I was a little thrown by the on-boarding process. The Leo site seems like its own brand and when I ended up at Officevibe site being asked to invite people - I was a little hesitant, not really understanding the reason I have to / should be inviting my team.. and not wanting to bombard them with email signups for something I want to test out at first, etc. things like that. This is just one guy's experience - I hope its helpful. :)
@chrisd008 That's definitely helpful! I appreciate that a lot. I'll pass all of this on to the team and we'll make that process a little more clear for everyone.
Thanks so much for the feedback :)
@itscoreyb Haha! No, but I'm obviously a huge fan of @leowid and the whole Buffer team. It was named after Lionel "Leo" Messi after we went to watch him play soccer while we were on our trip in Barcelona.
@jacobshriar I installed the bot in my 100+ person company, I did not expect it to send a private message to everyone in the company to fill out that demo survey. Is that suppose to happen? Do you tell the user that will happen when they install this bot? Team is not happy! (I've uninstalled)
@lalitkapoor I'm so sorry about that :( Yes, that's supposed to happen, but I agree with you that we could make that more clear to the end user. We'll start working on that right away.
Thanks for your feedback!
Installed for our 25+ company now. I really like the onboarding apart from one thing: when I'm asked to pick a channel for Leo to be "deployed", there is literally _zero_ info on what will happen when I do. Will he post there? Will we admin him from that channel? What do I do? In the end, I just picked #general and hoped for the best.
@gloom303 That's great feedback, you're right that it's not 100% clear. We need to work on that.
Once you pick a channel, he will introduce himself to everyone in that channel and then a private message to everyone that belongs to that channel introducing himself and explaining that what you tell him is completely anonymous. You'd admin him from within the Officevibe app, but we'll make that whole process much clearer.
I really appreciate your comment and feedback!
Nice idea! We did something very similar a few months ago which others here might be interested in, as it's a free, open-source and self-hosted version of this: http://oskar.hanno.co
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