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Liam McKay
Whiteboard β€” Simple whiteboard app to make sketching quick & easy
Drew Wilson
Hey! If you're interested in how/why I made this, checkout my blog post on it :)
Hi @drewwilson . Is there no way to test it? Lot of questions here... Is it just a paint-App? Can you integrate media files (jpg, etc.), is the space limited vs. unlimited? How does the sharing work and do everyone needs the App to cooperate and/or watch?) I'm waiting for an unlimited whiteboard experience for years! But so far found nothing I'd use on a daily basis.
Drew Wilson
@svenle @drewwilson Hey! Unfortunately there is no way to test App Store apps. Just how apple does it. To answer your Qs: You cannot add an image onto the canvas. The space is unlimited.. however you cannot pan/scroll around the canvas. So you CAN stretch the canvas as big as your screen, but you won't be able to pan/scroll around any larger than that. The sharing feature simply lets you send an image of the canvas via twitter/facebook/email/etc. Thanks!
Adi Ben Hur
@svenle @drewwilson a maybe a web app I put together could help: basic drawing tool, collaborative, curated, hand drawn library and a simple compositing web app. early stage!
Ryan Hoover
You're always building beautifully designed products, @drewwilson. 😊 But can you doodle? Care to share any of yours here? (you can embed a .png or .jpg in the comments by directly linking to an image)
Marcus Karoumi
*Close* as soon as I saw it costs. Looks great but I just promised myself to stop buying apps for my Mac and iPhone πŸ˜‰
Drew Wilson
Hey PH pals! Here are some free tokens for Whiteboard! Have fun!
Jam Narte
Do you think this App will be compatible with the new Stylus apple is (rumored) to be making? :D This is a great addition to my iPad apps
Aaron Abentheuer
Just downloaded it. Great little app! Coming from iOS and currently working on a fairly big Mac project for the first time I absolutely agree with you on the state of the AppKit community. It could really need a few more people writing tutorials, publishing open-source etc. especially for transitioning from UIKit and for Swift.
Drew Wilson
@aaronabentheuer ya. Its wild too because on Mac you have to build EVERYTHING yourself. Compared to iOS you get NOTHING out of the box.
Drew Wilson
BAM! Got the idea from @mhafez :)
Dr. Robert Mason IV
Using it for my recent remote learning math class. I wish you would add mathematics symbols set to this great app. Great Work Mr. Wilson.
Luke Fitzpatrick
The design looks great :)
Steve Tinlin
got it and love it - great for my virtual whiteboard sessions