Nikita Korotaev

Octodon (pre-launch) - The world's first all-fingers keyboard for smartphones


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Nikita Korotaev
These guys have just released a new version of the keyboard. I'm very curious to hear what speed-typing geeks think of it. There is the Kickstarter campaign to support the latest release, it has more information about the product.
ben Watanabe
Interesting, seemed way too complicated until I saw the beginner's keyboard pic, then it started to make sense about how the keys were laid out on the physical device. I think a pretty key statistic for the site might be something like: • after 1 or [x] hours using the Octodon the the typical person can type [x] words p/minute. • The average person types 30 words p/minute, after 1 hour with Octodon they are already typing 40 words p/minute. I think most prospective users, myself included, feel like it would take too long to become proficient with. If you could provide some good stats on that would love to hear them.
@benwtnb Thank you, according to our test, our stats are: after 1hr - 100 CPM( 20 WPM) after 2hr - 120 CPM( 24 WPM) after 3hr - 140 CPM( 28 WPM) after 4hr - 160 CPM( 32 WPM) From the second hour - these results are for touch-typing, it means no hints were displayed on the screen. and next, about 20 CPM are added each hour for our measured period. We were curious what matters more: unfamiliar input method (backside buttons) or unfamiliar layout, and to figure it out we included on-screen Dvorak layout in our first-time-users test. It discovered that unfamiliar layout is the key factor on the first stages : On-Screen Dvorak input was on-pair with Octodon within 5-minute first-time users test.
Ed Moyse
I've wanted something like this for a while - I can touch-type on a qwerty keyboard, so going from laptop to mobile is painful. I just really wish: 1. You guys had made Octadon as a case + keyboard combined (so it's always attached) 2. Would-be-nice if the fingers corresponded to a qwerty keyboard. e.g. left pinky is a + q + z. That would definitely minimise the learning curve for me. At the moment, sorry to say that I'm just not going to use it - seems like too much effort.
@edmoyse Thank you for your feedback! At first we designed Octodon as a clip-case, and it is was really thin (additional 4 mm to thickness)? you can see it here: , Although we love this concept, we decided to make our first device universal separate unit, not to be liked to particular manufacturer and phone model. If we succeed, we'll try to bring Octodon cases to market. Concerning layout - it's not a problem to remap layout in any way, but exact QWERTY layout is not possible due to different finger load. In octodon there are 4 letters under each finger, while in qwerty index finger is overloaded with six while others have only 3 keys for each.
Thank you, Nikita, for hunting our project. We worked hard and improved the ergonomics through several iterations. Guys, if you have any questions - I'll be happy to answer as I'm a Team member.
George, Thank you for your feedback! SWYPE has its own weak sides - it highly relies on dictionary, so there are a lot of tasks for which it cannot be used - e.g. coding or editing. And it requires permanent visual control. So it is rarely used to write real long texts. But of course it's great for short messages. Octodon is about precise writing, so it is suitable for the applications which require full-size keyboard now, not SWYPE . And yes, UI will be improved till release.
George Berkowski
I checked it out ... video is a big fail, the UI on the actual app is pretty weak, and it seems super clunky at best ... don't think it will go far. Swype is a superior solution.
looking forward to wallet