Paul Bohm

October - Visual and pseudonymous social network.


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Paul Stefan Bohm
Hey there Product Hunt! I’m one of the builders at October. Super excited to have you on! We’re a social network built by experienced economists, security researchers and mathematicians. Our goal is to create 1) a safe environment for good discussion, and 2) a place that increases in quality as more people join. Our name “October” comes from our approach to solving the “Eternal September Problem”, that is the problem of social networks getting worse as more people join. We’ll be addressing this issue as we grow by splitting channels (think subreddits) and reorganizing who follows who based on voting behavior. We’ve got pretty cool mathematical models for this. Till we’re big enough to face these issues we’re offering a very visual design language, a coin system to encourage good behavior, and pseudonymous posts to allow for honest discussion. Give it a try and Let me know if you have anymore questions or comments!
Marshall Hayner
@paulsbohm Fantastic app, it's a time for an alternative to Facebook and Twitter, excellent work Paul and October team! Can't wait to see what's next.
360 Magnetic Solutions _
@paulsbohm Is privacy of users a concern for October? How do you secure user data? Are there plans to make the social network accessible from the desktop.
racha ghamlouch
@paulsbohm any plans for the iOS plans to be available on international stores, it feels like an app that I would not be using often on desktop as I would on mobile
Ryan Hoover
I've been beta testing October for some months now. A lot of people are nervous about anonymous/pseudonymous social networks as abuse and harassment often become serious issues, but the underlying motivation of October (and others like it) are notable – to create a place where people can share their thoughts honestly without risk of losing their job or even worse, being put in prison in some areas of the world. @paulsbohm, once you hit massive scale, the above will be incredibly challenging. How are you planning to scale October while avoiding turning into another Secret?
Paul Stefan Bohm
@rrhoover Hey! So glad to have you as an early user Ryan! I think there's a lot of room for playing with different social network dynamics still, including making it easier for people to play with identity. The big problem anonymous sites get is abuse, and the problem everyone deals with is groupthink. E.g. subreddits and speciality sites get more groupthink as they get bigger. We think the solution to both is figuring out who sees what. We're learning from the voting behavior of users, and can learn who should see what from that. This means that people who troll too much do see consequences. They might see other people who enjoy troll posts.. but their targets will not see them. This also helps with political polarization in that everyone sees content that they might not agree with (and thus expands their horizon), but not necessarily stuff that they are completely opposed to (which would just lead to super tribal highly polarized fights). So we think the key is in managing attention well and building an economy around it, that allows users to help us curate at scale.
Elena Zhizhimontova
Looks pretty cool guys! Seems like a mix between Quora, Reddit and Instagram - very interesting!
Paul Stefan Bohm
@zelena Thank you Elena. That's what we're going for. Why make Tweets 280 Characters, when pictures are a 1000 words? Even for deep intellectual conversations!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@paulsbohm because Twitter was originally built around the 160-character limitations of SMS? 😜
Kumar Thangudu
@paulsbohm @chrismessina I had no clue about that***
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Interesting... is finally open for everyone — only a month late. 😆 👉🏻 Use my invite code:
Steven Clausnitzer

We are in the midst of some very contentious times, politically and socially. I like that October allows for frank conversations in an anonymous way. I also like that I get tokens, even when I’m posting anonymously. The layout is clean and intuitive. Even though it’s a new site, my posts get interaction from the growing community. I highly recommend.


The ability to post content under an Anonomysous handle and have controversial discussions that I may not be apt to have otherwise.


Like any new site there are some bugs here and there but the dev team is quick to respond and remedy.

Anna Aufill
True! I like that you can post anonymously! Also the invite button is a good idea! Might borrow that idea for my platform, ElfShare ;) :D
Mason 🏃🏻✂️

The meme generator is super fun to play with, but the ability to toggle between named and pseudonymous posting is the real gem. It’ll be really interesting to see how some of the heavier conversations happening across social media play out when users can go named or unnamed at will.

Users seem split on this, but I like the image-heavy focus. The app is super interesting to scroll through with so much visual content.


Super intuitive UI; well-chosen mix of social features (awesome in-app meme generator!); toggling to pseudonymous mode is easy and useful


A little bit buggy, but it hasn’t been hard to find workarounds; the community is currently pretty small

Satya Prakash
Great to see October on Producthunt 😄. Exited to try the iOS app.
Paul Stefan Bohm
@satya5614 Glad we are launched! Let us know what you think!
Dorota Parad
I'd love to be able to find out more about what it is and how it works before having to create an account. The website is very mysterious.
Paul Stefan Bohm
@dorota_parad We'll add more information to the landing page! But trying it out is still the best way to get a feeling for how it is different!
Paul Stefan Bohm
@dorota_parad Did you have any more questions? Had a chance to try it?
Dorota Parad
@paulsbohm I didn't try it, as I still don't know what it is and how it would be useful. I value my time 😉 I'm probably not your target audience though.
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
Refreshing to see a new take on social networking w pseudonyms. Great ux & (more important:) interesting content & dynamics. You can tell the team put a lot of thought into it. Kudos.
Paul Stefan Bohm
@__tosh Thank you Tosh! Lots of work and love went in to this product!
Matt A
I like the idea of posting into channels rather than merely just your own feed, without abusing hashtag nonsense like attention seeking post-it notes. There's a strange paradox in using October as a protest against the direction (un)social media has taken so-called civilisation, but so far so good, will see how this pans out. Cheers guys.
Paul Stefan Bohm
@burgerofwisdom Thank you! we're trying our best to create social media that makes us smarter and reduces groupthink, while also hopefully increasing mutual understanding and kindness in the world. It's a very tough challenge, but we think it needs to be done!
Johan Vosloo
The early community on this platform reminds me a lot of the early community of Google+ ... vibrant, intelligent conversation, with lots of clever humour. UI is simple in a pleasing way. Here's hoping October will fare better that G+ in the long run 😄
Paul Stefan Bohm
@jvosloo Thank you @jvosloo! Let's make it a thriving community!
Adriano Cahete
A well designed and a new social network? Count me in! But no Android app? 😞
Paul Stefan Bohm
@adriano_cahete You can use the mobile web app in the meanwhile! We will bring an Android App as soon as we have hired the right people to build it!
Aaron O'Leary
Is this based on the blockchain?
Paul Stefan Bohm
@aaronoleary Not yet. We're focusing on getting the model right first. Once the economics solidify, we'll move increasingly to the blockchain over time. we'll probably have the tokens themselves as an ERC-20 token before anything else. but that requires sensible economic policy first.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Tried to sign up with Facebook and got this error: "URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs." Oops.
Paul Stefan Bohm
@chrismessina Whoops! Thanks for checking us out. Was this on web/mobile web or on iPhone? Will try to get this sorted asap!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@paulsbohm I believe this was on Safari on iOS... but wouldn't the redirect URL be universal?
Paul Stefan Bohm
@chrismessina fixed now! (might have to explicitly reload the page with the FB login button)
David Pichsenmeister
on Android there's no way to post anything, only way is via desktop which makes it pretty much useless for serious use on Android 😞
Paul Stefan Bohm
@3x14159265 you can comment from mobile Web, just not post top-level posts yet. We'll make that happen soon!
Somangshu Goswami
This is an awesome idea when i think of the most popular whistle blowers around the world. You could post things anonymously and also be famous in the social circle. Good job October team. Loved it. Will try to use often. 👏 🎉
Paul Stefan Bohm
@somangshu Thank you @somangshu. It's important to stress that our security is designed to protect normal people posting secrets, not to protect whistleblowers from nation states. We will keep improving our security and have a roadmap with lots of important security milestones, but whistleblower protection is very hard and complicated and legally fraught, so we don't think we're currently a good match for that.
Somangshu Goswami
@paulsbohm i agree. It more complicated. But would you put it out to the people so that they know the platform shall not be used for such cases. How would you explicitly stop these wistleblowers if they wished to use October ?. I definitely feel this powers people to maintain the anonymity when they wish for. Kuddos to that.!
Charles Forster
Pros: Very interesting product, seems like it has a lot of potential. Cons: None so far. It's a young product, so I'm sure there are bugs and it's growing, so engagement should grow for anyone willing to put in the work now
Paul Stefan Bohm
@chazthetic Thank you Charles! Let me know if you have ideas for how we can make it even better! We're super thrilled that people like it so much!
Thomas Potaire
Where can I find information about your company? What about privacy? You mention "security researchers", do you support end-to-end encryption? Are you funded by VC? Any plans to make your app funded by your own users? EDIT: I just realized it's more focused on public conversation, so encryption is probably not as relevant, are all posts/conversations public? In which way did security researchers contribute to the project?
Paul Stefan Bohm
@teapot I have a computer security background (specializing on exploit design and banking security), so I know from experience how hard of a problem the security of our platform is. We have hardened security on the platform, but there are ways in which we can still improve. Security isn't a feature that's ever done, so this will be an ongoing process that never stops for us. Our most important data is the identity of our anonymous posters, and we're protecting these identities as securely as we can. We will automatically unlink identities from posts after a few months, so that after this period we won't be able to recover the identities ourselves anymore. It's important to point out here that we are not good for whistleblowers: We have to comply with law enforcement subpoenas, and we'll know people's anonymous identities for up to a year and have to hand those over if our lawyers can't fight the subpoenas off. We're VC and angel funded and we will continue to require money to sustain ourselves until we get our economy working. I do think there will be potential for the users to own part of October, and we have negotiated a lot of control with our investors to be able to do things like that in the future. Thanks for giving us a try! Your feedback is super welcome
Lee Fuhr
Very interesting, and goodness I hope you can save us all. 😉 So what's the revenue model here? What's the product? Cuz if it's me, I fear a repeat of futures past.
Paul Stefan Bohm
@cozysd We're building an attention economy where coins flow between content producers, hunters, curators, moderators and admins, and consumers, and we'll take a cut of that. It's an alternate model to advertising.
Ven is a breath of fresh air. This is where the movers and shakers meet to get things done.

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with


Smart design that should ensure a higher level of quality than other social networks.


What, are you trying to be funny? ;)