🚀Super fast edge Database for Mobile and IoT
Dorian Spc Lovera
ObjectBox — Mobile Database 10x Faster than SQLite 🚀 Easy to implement

ObjectBox is a high-performance NoSQL, ACID-compliant on-device database for mobile and IoT. In addition to performance, we aim to build the most straight forward APIs for you to implement ObjectBox.

What makes you different from Realm?
@justawebguy mainly speed; check out our (open source) benchmarks: https://github.com/objectbox/obj... this review https://notes.devlabs.bg/realm-o...
Michael Makarov
@justawebguy @mobile_n_games I would say the work with threads, I don't like how realm work with threads and so on, especially if you use RX for multi-thread and streams, objectbox here much much better and chilling :)
Objectbox has been on my radar for the past year. I gave it a thorough look about 6 months ago and concluded that it's hard to adopt without making serious compromises i.e check issue #104 on the java repo. With that said i think objectbox could be a great mobile db down the road.

Disclaimer: part of the maker team


fast, small, easy :)


still a lot on the roadmap

Dorian Spc Lovera
Hi Product Hunt, We’re proud to share our extremely fast and easy to use database with the community :D We are also the team behind other Open Source projects like EventBus and GreenDAO. ObjectBox is our newest project: an on-device database that is 10x faster than SQLite and takes only 1/10th of the code to implement. ObjectBox is multiplatform, lightweight, optimized for small devices, making it a perfect fit for Mobile and IoT, especially for data intensive apps like AI, AR or Video Games. Moreover, we are also building a fast and easy syncing solution on the top of ObjectBox. To find out more about our out-of-the-box syncing solution, visit objectbox.io/sync If you have any suggestion we would love to hear them in the comments. Thank you for helping us!
Daniela Gausmann

Perfect for Android Apps


Easy to use and implement! Give it a try! OPEN SOURCE


not that known, yet ;-)

Turner Levison

Great for lightweight android apps (disclaimer, only know about the team and product as a result of Techstars)


Fast and easy


Hear some roadmap items would be nice to have right now

Elliot Salazar
This looks pretty cool. I checked out the docs pages and only saw Android support, and I was wondering if you’re going to have objectbox for iOS as well?
Dorian Spc Lovera
@elliotsalazar4 Thanks! That's right, we are already working on iOS and will be launching it very soon. You can opt-in here if you want to be among the first informed ;) https://objectbox.io/ios-alpha/
Roland Clifford
very cool, i like it
Shripal Jain

It's practically the fastest mobile database ever created. Plus it's very easy to implement.




Minimal code


None yet