Nuzzel's new curated newsletter platform is the easiest and fastest way to curate an email newsletter. We are building the world's first network of newsletters, aggregating socially curated newsletters from many influencers.
@abrams Jonathan, I went into the controls and I now seem to have a newsletter set for distribution tomorrow :-) Any way to disable the newsletter until I have some more time to setup everything as I want it? Essentially an Unpublish button?
@abrams So it appears people can now subscribe to my newsletter from my Nuzzel profile, for a message that will go out tomorrow at 8am and there is no way for me to turn this off, other than make my entire account private, which would then remove me from visibility and not be a good thing for Nuzzel. Again, am I missing something? I guess I was too eager to see your CMS and didn't realize there was no way back :-)
@dflanegan Hi Dan, thanks for trying this stuff out!
#1 - unless people have already subscribed to your Nuzzel newsletter, nothing will be sent to anyone yet.
#2 - since last year, we have let people subscribe to auto-generated newsletters based on any Nuzzel public feed, including yours or mine. What's new is that now we are letting Nuzzel users curate their newsletters and pick the stories for the first time, and add comments.
#3 - if you are going to actively curate your Nuzzel newsletter now, and don't want it to be auto-generated when you don't curate it, there's a new option in the newsletter settings that you can use to disable the auto-generated content. If you do that, nothing will be sent out on the days when you don't choose or add stories.
Sorry for any confusion. We will be adding a FAQ soon, and also continue to make improvements based on feedback.
Great work on the curated newsletter platform! Is there a way to control the frequency of the newsletter? Weekly, bi-weekly etc ?
Currently the only way I could control is by disabling the auto generated content and choose the days I would want to send out the newsletter?
@abrams - interesting idea. Is there a way to promote stories from an iOS extension, e.g. "send to my newsletter" that would prompt you for commentary?
@grmeyer yes! our latest iOS app has a share extension that you can use to send a story to your newsletter with commentary. Let me know if you don't find it.
It's an interesting idea. The daily Nuzzel newsletters are one of the primary places I find news that I missed and interesting articles. But I would really like to see the ability to include the tweets that *I* tweeted out and include actual tweets themselves. A newsletter of the articles I found interesting PLUS tweets I found worthy PLUS links to stuff that people I follow found interesting would be much better.
Question - I haven't played around with this yet, but is there a way to curate and offer a summary, or perspective or "why you should read this" commentary to the linked article or website?
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