Hiten Shah

Nugget - Get a new SaaS startup idea, every single day


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Ken Wallace
Hey Hiten, thanks for sharing Nugget! My co-founder Justin Vincent and I are really hoping that Nugget solves an issue nearly every early entrepreneur gets stuck on: looking for an idea. I’ve heard it from hundreds of founders, both in the many years I’ve attended MicroConf, and from beginning entrepreneurs that I’ve matched into mastermind groups with my other startup. So, we had this crazy thought: what if these people could simply stop looking for business ideas, and just solve any one of the real problems that are out there, ideas that people are willing to pay for? We collect hundreds of real business problems from real people, clean them up, and deliver them to you. When you've found a nugget that's perfect for you, our goal is that our community will help you get started, keep you on track, hold you accountable, and celebrate your progress. It’s a lofty goal, for sure. But we feel it’s definitely worth a try. Yep, a few startups have tried to do something like this but have fizzled out after a handful of weeks. Our leg up is two-fold: A) the ways that we efficiently gather these nuggets, and B) the community we’re building around each opportunity, to help entrepreneurs take the critical first steps. I'll be around all day if anyone has any questions or feedback!
Sam Rye
@boaticus I'm intrigued that you've found that people get stuck on 'looking for an idea' as a problem. What kind of validation do you have for this? From my experience, most entrepreneurs have too many ideas, and not enough time, talent or resources to execute on them. Or they begin to execute on something and find that it's the wrong thing. I think the part about community building around opportunities is an interesting strategy. What's the incentive for those people to stay part of the community out of interest?
Aric Boyles
@boaticus Great idea Ken! I had a similar idea, bought the domain name dailysaas.com a few years ago just haven't had time. Let me know if there's any interest in the URL, btw not looking to make money on it!
Justin Vincent
@samrye_enspiral @boaticus Random ideas are not worth very much, but if someone tells you they're willing to pay to get their problem solved, that's a different ball game. Exploring this further, Y Combinator is famed for having the motto "Make something people want". Recently, Jessica Livingston (YC co-founder) highlighted this motto as being the single most important thing on her list of how not to fail. In-fact, YC encourages founders to be flexible and even pivot their entire business to a different business model in the name of discovering something people want. At Nugget, we don't deal in ideas, we only deal in problems that people have expressed a desire to pay to solve. Hope that clears it up a little :)
Hiten Shah
This is a neat idea. It's simply a daily email newsletter for free with monthly paid plans to get even more by joining the community and other things. Looking forward to seeing more about how this pans out!
Brandi Young
This is on HackerNews right now too. I kinda feel like this could be a really good confidence booster for devs who don't trust their own ability to validate an idea. We're all out here doing this shit solo, wondering what's good and what sucks. A community based on helping each other figure it all out - using pre-screened, intelligently-sourced ideas - sounds very appealing. Thanks for posting this @hnshah.
Saleem Yaqub
I think the free trial should be a little longer, at least 7 days, this will significantly boost your sales!
Ken Wallace
@saleemyaqub That's great feedback. We've heard that a few times today, so it's definitely time to give that another look. Thanks!
Manoj Nahar
Love this idea. Will be great to see how this pans out.
Paul Kogan
This is really cool! Looking forward to getting my nuggets
Scott Entwistle
Does the same nugget get sent to the whole list? Is there some mechanism to stop multiple teams working on the same thing?
Justin Vincent
@scawtent Yes, the same nugget gets sent to the full list that's a big reason why we feel the community is so important in order to have a better sense of who's working on what. In essence we're trying to creat a self funded incubator type community here. We're very excited about the possibilities!
Saleem Yaqub
@justinvincent @scawtent So people can co-ordinate their efforts? That sounds amazing!
Sam Rye
@justinvincent @scawtent interesting way to look at it. How do you see it as being more effective than projects like Assembly which have been and gone in this space?
Peter Chaly
Very interesting. Is there an easy way to submit ideas as well?
Ken Wallace
@peterchaly Not yet, but there will be by tomorrow. ;-)
Justin Vincent
@peterchaly @boaticus Ha, yeah, good point. Awesome!
jeremy carson
literally just heard ken talk about this on his Nights and Weekends podcast. sounds like a good idea. but my question for these kinds of startups is always: if the ideas are so good, why aren't you making any of them?
Taha ahmed khan
Great idea, my question is when the user subscribe for paid plan will he receive all the idea archives that were emailed before he joined Secondly from the user point of view, if he/she picks an idea and start to work on it but after few weeks they receive a new interesting idea which they really like, now they will be in dilemma what to do finish what they started or jump to the new idea. I was working on similar idea ( which had a totally different approach) but was always skeptical about this space (solvable business ideas), good to know that people are interested in this. Best of luck guys
Justin Vincent
@tahaqadri Yes, when a paid user signs up they will have access to all of the previously posted ideas instantly. When a user picks an idea they should take the standard lean startup approach and start to validate the idea, build a landing page, start customer interviews, get payment commitments and such up front. Once they have found and are talking to genuine customers who want them to get their product out the door asap... It's going to be a big motivator. It will be fun to see new ideas but at this point they should be using the nugget community to steam roll blockers and ramp up growth hacking etc.
Saleem Yaqub
@tahaqadri It's up to the creator to pick the right SaaS idea and run with it all the way to fruition!
Bryan Harris
Best pricing tier names ever!
Rebecca Lerner
Link is broken...or can't handle the traffic? Would love to check it out. @boaticus
Ken Wallace
@rebeccall80 Sorry you couldn't open the link. :/ Please try again, perhaps? I'm having trouble duplicating the issue you're seeing, though. The link is working fine for Justin and I from three different network connections as well as from our cell phones, pingdom seems to think it's fine, as well as downforeveryoneorjustme. You're talking about the "Get It" link above, right?
Rebecca Lerner
@boaticus - was the firewall at work. it thinks your site is "gambling related". is the golden nugget even still in business??? :)
Saleem Yaqub
This is a simple and effective idea!
Paul Lainchbury
Great idea! The first (free) nugget seems pretty interesting. I would want to assess the quality of at least 7 nuggets before parting with ££ though.
Ken Wallace
@paul_lainchbury We are now sending 7 free nuggets to Free Trial customers.
Paul Lainchbury
@boaticus Sounds good Ken. I've subscribed and have enjoyed looking over the first 5 nuggets. Provided the quality of the ideas remains consistent, I shall continue to subscribe :)
Towhid Zaman
Absolutely love it!
karthik renkarajan
Interesting idea. R u guys planning to democratize the nuggets by upvoting or downvoting. My cents
Ken Wallace
@karthrenkarajan Pretty cool idea! Thanks, we'll consider it for future enhancements.
Richard Watson
I like it. Simple, curated, useful.
Alexander Kabirov
This is brilliant