Amelia Lin

Udacity Blitz - Get software built by engineers you can hire afterwards

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Alec Garcia
Made it, Ma!
James Childs-Maidment
As a Udacity graduate working on one of the inaugural Blitz projects, I can’t hype this program enough. For fresh grads, it is an opportunity to apply their new skills in a professional team environment while under the guidance of an experienced Technical Project Manager. You get to work with interesting and prestigious companies to build real products that real people will use. Plus you get a great paycheck! Ticks all the boxes.
Louis Encontre
@thisbejims Hey James, can you work remotely with Blitz ?
Kevin Holub
This looks great team - congrats! @Amelia, from the videos it looks like there there is a combination of students and Udacity employees that work on the projects. How does that work? Who is writing the code and managing the project?
Amelia Lin
@kevin_holub @amelia Good question! Blitzers are Nanodegree alumni, and they're the engineers writing the code. Your project also receives a dedicated Technical Project Manager, a senior engineer (many of whom are Nanodegree alumni themselves) who helps to scope and manage the project, as well as the engineers. Hope this helps.
Christopher Pruijsen
Really excited about this - not only for clients (who can get software projects built by engineers they can hire afterwards - making this an efficient recruitment method) - but also for the future of online education (where content is guided by industry and education institutions provide direct opportunities to real, paid work).
Pritesh Vora
I think its a masterstroke. Brilliant stuff. Hope to try it out sometime. Anything that one should know before jumping to this?
Gil Akos
@priteshvora Hi Pritesh, We are currently working with a team from Blitz on the beta version of our application. In our experience, the onboarding process was pretty darn easy. We had some wireframes and a click-through demo that assisted the project manager with understanding our ambitions and the scope. With that in hand getting a proposal was quick. And anywhere we weren't able to provide direct feedback or design styling, the PM was also able to recommend a few options for us to consider by way of their partners like AJ & Smart. If you are straddling the line between deciding to hire developers directly to your organization or work with an agency or whitelabel service for development (as we were), Blitz is a really great solution. The developers are motivated and highly skilled and the value for the cost is superb. I like to call it the Goldilocks option - "just right."
Mat Sherman
This is a pretty awesome move by Udacity. Based on their track record the last couple of months, I have no doubt they are the future of education. Hell, they could also be the present of education.
Amelia Lin
Ravi Srinivasan
Brilliant. "Try before you buy".
Tobi Hikari
Great work!
Love this. Nice work!
Finally, don't know what took them so long. A good add on to, why should you do a nano degree. Not sure If real nano degree people will work for blitz. But I'm really curious about, how their AI for software automatisation will work.
Amelia Lin
@rmnrttmn Blitzers are indeed Nanodegree alumni--hope this helps!
@linamelia I hope so, but I can imagine to boost the brand and to make 100% sure that all projects are done in time, they will take some more experienced developers in the beginning.
Christian Plagemann
@rmnrttmn Our Nanodegree engineers come with a whole range of backgrounds. Some are extremely experienced, like for example, Ethan Vizitei (, who just joined our core Udacity Blitz team full-time. Ethan is amazing. He had tons of relevant software dev experience in his life, then completed the Machine Learning Nanodegree which got him into our system. He's amazing on all fronts. There are more junior engineers, too, of course. As it turns out, most clients actually like to have a mix or junior and senior members in their teams. We're pretty flexible in that regard. Whatever is appropriate for the project and/or the client.
Gene Fan
@amelia This is awesome, and the best type of education. :)
Eli Kastelein
Vidit S
This is such a great idea
Andres Vazquez Del M
Do they work in México ?
Amelia Lin
@avm Yes, we do! We take projects from around the globe, and have engineers from around the globe as well, if you are looking for engineers in a particular location.
Jonathan Aufray
This is a brilliant idea! No one knows your product more than the one who actually developed it. The best hire is someone who knows your product perfectly.
Cody McLain
It looks really neat and totally cool! Congratulations guys!
Viet York
Looks interesting, let's see if they have Minecraft plugin developers :D