Awesome to be posted to PH again, thanks @emieljanson! It has been exactly one year and the app has grown up. I think it's best to describe it as Thunderclap meets Buffer: collect tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn posts from anyone and publish them to their timelines when you want.
This is awesome. I wish there was some more benefits for the user who helps out though. You're still asking for an action from people you know, but that's only a small portion of it. I think most people would top out around 100 people at the small level. This would be super cool to involve some sort of a Kickstarter integration possibly.
@kingliv_ Thanks Louis! What kind of benefits for helpers you think would work? Facebook is very strict about rewarding people to post. We left it up to campaign owners to incentivize their target audience. On a campaign page you can offer anything you like, and checking out who contributed what is easy.
@ilyashassani It's like crowd funding but instead of money people contribute a tweet, Facebook or LinkedIn post. People write the posts themselves, but the campaign owner decides what URL is included and when to publish the messages.
@stefgalle@ilyashassani Amazing , is it mobile optimized ? could we have a better way to customize our campaign page ? and maybe a contest or something to reward the contributors ?
@ilyashassani Safari on iphone is supported, but the app is not optimized for small screens. It's easier to manage your campaign on a bigger screen than your phone. The campaign pages are fully responsive though, and work great on small screens. What kind of customization of your campaign page are you looking for?
@lovskogen We're working on a version based on a some recent campaigns by Red Bull, but I'm still waiting on permissions. This usually takes a while with big corporates. To move fast for this release we decided to make up a case.
This seems like it could be great. A while back we were considering building this at Circa before we released our third version…ended up not having time to be able to get it built but it's great to see now.
My question though is why not charge for it? Why should it be a free product?
@mg Cool that you and your team thought about the same concept. It would be really interesting to hear the ideas you came up with. Can I email you about that?
We always want to keep offering a free account, because people doing campaigns is a large part of our marketing. But at some point we want to introduce paid pro features.
Great idea. We were talking about Thunderclap in MakerHunt the other week and the main problem people seemed to have with the platform was that the same tweet goes out by everyone, and the perceived risk of spamminess that this carries.
The idea of letting your fanbase put their excitement in their own words is pretty cool.
@rossdcurrie Exactly! We think posts by people in their own tone of voice are worth more than a ready made message posted by a group of people at the same time.
I found out about Nouncy the last time they were on PH. Great concept, very cool to be free. With the previous version we had some problems in loading pages but amazing product nonetheless. Congrats team!
@stefgalle Exactly! You're not able to choose when to publish every single post like you do with Nancy (I love this feature). But they have a section called "Giveaways" where people that support a campaign, can have the chance to win some money. In this way, you don't have to spread the word within your friends. The website does that for you. I also read your comment where you say that Facebook forbid those kind of things. It would be nice to understand how they do that, maybe they are somewhat "illegal" :D
@simonelucidi87 Haha, like how you call it Nancy. She's our main test user, Nancy from Nouncy :) Offering people the chance to win money for posting is not something we get excited about. We see now that the successful Nouncy campaigns are about stuff that deserve to get attention, instead of who offers the most money. We like that, but I agree that creating or amplifying incentives by a campaign owner is something we need to look into!
Love Nouncy. It's been a while since we used it but having the ability to have participants put their name and email in would be helpful. Also rewarding participants for their own referrals would be great too.
@jkhallatl Thanks! You did some cool campaigns indeed. In this version we show the traffic every person generated for you and their email addresses, so you can contact them for a reward. Sharing your email address as a supporter is optional, but most people do it because then you receive an email when your post is published.
Hi Stef! Looks cool. Signed up and will give it a go. I really love the idea because ppl always want to help right away, but it's always hard to wrangle that same excitement later if delays occur. Nice job.
@larry_lawal Thanks Larry! We don't offer a public API yet. Do you have a project you would like to use our API for?
We will always keep offering a free account with enough features to do a good campaign. People that get invited to a campaign get to know Nouncy and use it for their own projects later, so it's an important way for us to grow. In the future we will probably add some paid pro features.
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